20 Clues to Your Favorite Star: Alyssia Vera

 Find out what makes this Red Hot Mylf really tick. Please be sure to follow her on twitter {X] at: @AlyssiaVera, check out: alyssiavera.com, for bookings, contact: OC Modeling – 818.298.6939

SW: Your stage name is?

AV: Aalyssia Vera.

SW: Your height and measurements are?

AV: My height and measurements are, I am 5’4″, and I weigh 130 pounds. I’m a 34 double D.

SW: If someone wanted to book you?

AV: For bookings, you can contact OC Modeling through Sandra, or you can even email me or contact me through DMs on one of my social media handles yourself.

SW: Do you want to give out email or no email?

AV: You can give out my email.

SW: Which is?

AV:  alyssiaveraxo@gmail.com

SW: How would you describe yourself sexually?

AV: Very submissive. I am very submissive sexually.

SW: First time you discovered what sex was?

AV: The first time I discovered what sex was, was when my best friend and I were watching HBO, when I was in my teens.

SW: First time you touched yourself was?

AV: The first time I touched myself was a few days after I watched my first HBO softcore porn.

SW:  First time you realized you had an effect on boys?

AV: The first time I knew I had an effect on boys was when I entered freshman in high school and I was very small proportionate with I was starting to grow my boobs at that point. And men were talking to me like crazy. So, I knew that I had something good going on.

SW: Growing up, was there someone you had sexual fantasies about but never acted upon?

AV: Yes, yes. That would have been, I kind of mentioned to you the whole like, rape fantasy. Never did it.

SW: Growing up, was there someone you wanted to have sex with but never had the chance?

AV: Honestly? No.

SW: Did your parents put the fear of the devil in you, that’s probably why?

AV: Ha ha ha, probably.

SW: Growing up, What was the best line someone used to get in your pants?

AV: God, hmm. Something along the lines of…Oh, did something just drop out of your pocket? Or, no, no, no. Is it just hot in here or is it just you or something stupid like that? Like, wow, classic.

SW: While you were in grade school, high school, college, anything, had you ever offered a teacher a blow job or anything for a better grade?

AV: No, never, ever.
SW: Would you?

AV: You know, looking back being in this  industry now, I probably would have, but it never came to mind back then.

SW: Any fantasies you ever had about teachers and any of your echelons of education?

AV: Uh-uh. Nope. I never had one that was hot enough.

SW: This should be easy, but how many sexual partners do you think you had before you got into porn?

AV: Only a couple.

SW: OK, how many blow jobs do you think you gave before getting into porn?

AV: Before getting into porn, I mean, gosh, maybe like a handful. I mean, you know, we didn’t, I mean, we really didn’t do a lot of play though. Like, so I can’t really say, you know, just the small handful.

SW: The first time you had a cock in your mouth was?

AV: I was eighteen.

SW: Most recent cock you had in your mouth?

AV: My husband’s.
SW: A cock you would like to have in your mouth?

AV: Um, should I name a person?

SW: Up to you.

AV: Let’s just say I would definitely like to, and it would probably be Romeo Mancini’s.

SW: And he can go full Italian on you then, right?

AV: Right.

SW: What would a guy have to say or do to you to get his penis in your mouth?

AV: He would need to really, really, really compliment me. Not only that, but he would need to kind of read my mind to know what I was wanting him to do. Which would be like being assertive with me.

SW: So, if he said something like, “Do you taste as good as you look? Or I’d like to take you in the bathroom and fuck the shit out of you”. Would that get his cock in your mouth?

AV: Probably, more than likely.

SW: Strangest thing you put in your pussy other than a sex toy or a penis.

AV: We’re going there, huh?
SW: We’re going there.

AV: Oh Jesus, a fucking cucumber.

SW: Just a cucumber? More than one?

AV: No, just one.

SW: You’ve done anal, the strangest thing you put in your butt other than a penis.

AV: Hmm, nothing crazy actually, surprisingly.

SW: Something you want to?

AV: An ice cube. I’d like to try just for the shit and giggles, but I don’t think I could put an ice cube up my ass. I’d be too goddamn cold. There’d be no…

SW: Eight balls or paintballs?

AV: No. Eightball, like when you shoot pool? Oh, God, no. That would fucking hurt.

SW: Have you ever used your sexual prowess to get something you wanted?

AV: Yes. Yeah, I have. And it would be more or less like different shoots, like a shoot that I wanted or something. Yeah, I have.

SW: First time you gave someone a rim job.

AV: That would have been…Oh, geez. I think that was my first shoot, my first scene ever. I gave a rim job.

SW: If I were to give you a rim job, what would be the proper way to do it?

AV: You would start like taking your tongue and going up from my butt cheeks up into there slowly.

SW: Tongue in the asshole?

AV: Yeah, of course ,I like it.

SW: Freakiest thing you’ve done sexually.

AV: I’m driving in a car going like ninety miles an hour on a highway and fucking at the same time.

SW: Were you sitting in his lap and steering?

AV: He was, I was facing him.

SW: Oh, so you were blind. You didn’t know what you were going to hit, but you were just too busy getting taken care of to care, probably.

AV: Pretty much..

SW:  We just finished awards season, but would you put out for a voter for an award or a nomination?

AV: Yeah, I would.

SW: Would you ever put out for a journalist if you knew they could help you with your career or give you a better story?

AV: Of course, I would. Yeah, why not?

SW: Okay. Would you ever put out for a producer or director to get more work?

AV: Yeah, I mean, why not?

SW:  From shooting anal and shooting straight scenes, at this point, would your butt hole be tighter than your vagina or vice versa?

AV: We’re going there? Okay. Hmm. Well, it depends on how much you fuck one or the other. I mean, honestly, my vagina stays pretty tight all the time. It’s like the Virgin Mary in every single shoot.

SW: Is that a good thing or a bad thing?

AV: It’s a great thing. Who wants a stretched-out vagina?

SW: Your boobs seem very popular. Tell me about your boobs.

AV: Well, I love having a cock in between them, getting titty fucked. I love light licking. I don’t like anything too fierce on my nipples, you know, to be carressed and teased and you can lightly grab them and stuff. But I don’t like anything too heavy or hardcore because, you know, they’re very sensitive nipples.

SW: When you’re being titty fucked, is that almost like being face fucked? When your face is all sloppy and so forth?

AV: Same thing, yeah. Yeah. And then it’s all over the boobs and everything. It’s really messy and it’s fun.

SW: If you had a choice, would you rather have a facial or have a guy pop on your boobs?

AV: Ooh, probably the tits. I think it’s really hot and I think it’s sexy. It can even lead from the mouth down to the tits.

SW: Have you ever enjoyed having sex once you’ve had a facial, and then people just go back to fucking you? Or is that like too weird?

AV: No, it’s not too weird. I mean, I’ve done gangbags and shit and it’s, it’s not weird at all. It’s actually a huge turn-on if they, if they do actually do that.

SW: The gangbang, is it that you’re the center of attention? You just like that much penis at once?

AV: I would say it is a good center of attention. I mean, I thoroughly enjoy them. I think they’re a lot of fun, yes.

SW: What’s the most guys you’ve had at once?

AV: Um, I think it was like eight or ten.

SW: Is that enough for you?

AV: Yeah, that’s plenty

SW: What would be the easiest way for a guy to get in your pants? Are you a flowers and candy girl or will a dinner date get you in the back seat of the car?

AV: They could probably buy me something and it would really just expedite that whole transaction.

SW: For sake of discussion, I got into your panties. What would be the proper way to go down on you?

AV: Uh, take the panties off slow and tease me between my thighs.

SW: Do you like your thighs nibbled on.

AV: Not really nibbled on, but more like, like if you just sucked on them and then like use your hands and yeah, teased up.

SW: But the actual going down on you, do you like your clit licked, fingers in your vagina. Do you like a lot of spit, do you like it fast, slow?

AV: I just like teasing on top of the clit. That’s what I like. I like stimulation, vibration on it. That’s what I like.

SW: Stupid question, but you’re in a relationship, does your husband prefer having sex with you, or your porn, alter ego?

AV: Hmm. That’s a good question. I need to ask him that. Ha ha ha ha. I don’t know.

SW: Which of you is the bigger slut?

AV: Well, obviously my alter ego.

SW: We all joke about this, but what does the word slut mean to you?

AV: Someone who is sleeping constantly with random men over and over again without any rhyme or reason, basically.

SW: We talked about it earlier, but for sake of discussion, if a person had a small penis, could they still make you gag or choke at it?

AV: Probably. I mean, if you knew how and what you were doing, I mean, it’s possible. Just depends on how small it is. I don’t know.

SW: Have you ever used your sexual skills to get out of trouble?

AV: Um, yes, yes, I have. Yes, I have.

SW: Have you ever had sex in your parents’ house while they were home?

AV: Nope.
SW: Was that out of fear or it just never happened?

AV: It just never happened. I don’t know why.
SW: Have you ever been caught, have you ever been caught having sex?

AV: Um, yeah, by my friend.

Thanks Alyssia,

please be sure to follow her on twitter {X] at: @AlyssiaVera, check out: alyssiavera.com, for bookings, contact: OC Modeling – 818.298.6939




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