Interview: Sherman Way
Editor: Alexis James
Photos: Alexis James
Coxxx Models
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For Bookings:
SW: Sherman Way
AJ: Alexis James
SW: How did you come to be signed with Coxxx Models?
AJ: Well, actually, I was told about Cox models through one of my fans on…I think it was Twitter or Manyvids; he follows me on both. He mentioned that he had worked closely with Connor Cox, the porn star. He suggested that we maybe talk because he thought I would be a really good fit there. From there, it kind of just snowballed.
SW: So you came in from OnlyFans first, and then you got into mainstream adult work? AJ: Yeah. I was on OnlyFans. I’m still on OnlyFans. So, I started doing OnlyFans and ManyVids. I wasn’t really sure for a while if I wanted to go further and do mainstream porn. But then I talked to Connor and got really excited about it. So yeah.
SW: Tell me about your OnlyFans. My OnlyFans.
AJ: Well, I just switched it to being where there’s a subscriber price. But I offer like 60% off on the first month. I post a lot of great content. I do DMs every day. There’s videos. There’s solo clips, boy-girl clips. There will be girl-girl clips, stuff like that. I mean, I don’t really have any limits, so my page is very exciting to be on, I would say. There’s something for everybody there.
SW: Do you do custom work?
AJ: Yes. I love custom work. So that’s like my bread and butter. On OnlyFans and on ManyVids, I do customs. I will do pretty much anything. Custom videos are really popular right now, I guess, because I have a bunch of orders for those.
SW: What’s the craziest request you got for a customer?
AJ: I got this request where someone wanted me to pour, he told me to fill my pussy with chocolate sauce, like a full bottle of chocolate sauce. I didn’t even know how. And then he wanted me to fuck myself with the bottle of chocolate sauce. There was just so much chocolate involved. Oh, and then he wanted also whipped cream and caramel. He wanted it to be like a Sunday coming out of me. It was really complicated. That was probably one of the crazier ones.
But a lot of stuff doesn’t really seem crazy to me. I get a lot of stuff where people want me to tie myself up or to DP myself. But I like doing that. So, it doesn’t feel crazy.
SW: Have you ever done the Sunday thing with a penis instead of the banana where you put the whipped cream and the cherries on it and do the whole bit?
AJ: Yeah. Yeah. I recently did that because I had heard about it being like super popular and someone asked if I would do it. People really seem to enjoy that.
SW: How did you get involved with OnlyFans in the first place?
AJ: I don’t really know. I had thought about it for a few years when it first started getting popular. I just kind of was like, ‘Eh, I don’t know. I don’t know if that’s for me.’ I’ve always just been a very sexual and open person. I like sex. I like being watched. I’m very confident with everything I do. So, the thought of doing OnlyFans kind of always turned me on a little bit, but I was always reluctant, I guess. Then one day, I just kind of decided to do it. I said, “I’m just going to sign up and see what happens.” From there, it started happening a lot faster than I thought. Customs started coming, fans started coming in, and then you start actually making money from it. It’s like, “Wow, I’m like getting paid to do something I actually enjoy doing.”
SW: When you started, were you doing it more for the attention or for the money?
AJ: I don’t know if it was either. It’s something I just really enjoy doing. Sex is a huge part of my life. It always has been. People always say you should do something you love if you want to be happy. So that was more it for me. It wasn’t like a desperation for money type of play. So, I think that’s why I’ve been able to have so much fun with it. I feel like I’m doing it really, really well, it seems to reflect to my fans and my tips and stuff. So, it just kind of became successful overnight.
SW: Did that surprise you?
AJ: A little. It did. Not because I’m like, “Oh, I’m not good enough to be on OnlyFans.” I’m really confident. I know I really don’t have limitations, like I said, so it’s not like any of it freaks me out. But there’s so many models on there, and there’s a lot more marketing that goes into it than I realized when I first started. So, I guess I was surprised because I thought I was too late to the show. I showed up in the ninth inning, but I guess not.
SW: How long did it take you to figure that part out?
AJ: Well, I have some marketing and sales background from my full-time job, or that’s what it was before this. I kind of just applied what I do every day or what I was doing every day to my own brand. So it took a few months.
SW: And for you, to be successful on platforms like OnlyFans or ManyVids, do you think people come more for your personality or to watch you get boned?
AJ: I think they like my personality. I like to talk to my fans. I talk to all of my fans, and they kind of know me and know my personality, and they request things. I think that they like that aspect of it. I do think they obviously love seeing me get fucked, too. But I think a lot of it has to do with just me being slightly different or unique compared to what they’ve been seeing.
SW: Prior to getting into OnlyFans and stuff, had you watched adult material?
AJ: Oh, yeah. I’ve been a porn advocate since I was like young, I would say, maybe thirteen, is when I first watched porn.
SW: And how did you find the material? Did the material find you? Did you Google it? Did you go on the computer one day and say “Oh my God, this looks really hot. I wonder what it is?” Or did you go looking specifically for porn?
AJ: I sought it out, I had older siblings growing up, so I think I probably was exposed to it super young. Kinda like how I got Santa Claus ruined for me when I was really young from my older siblings telling me he was not real, ya know. I just started exploring and started really getting into it. But I definitely know I was a lot younger than my friends were because I tried to talk to my friends about it in grade school, and they were like, “What are you talking about? What are you watching?”
SW: When you saw adult material, did the thought ever cross your mind where you thought ‘I could do that.’
AJ: Yeah, it did. I’ve had a lot of people tell me that. Some of my ex-boyfriends and a lot of the men I’ve been with were like, “You should be in porn.” I initially just never thought anything of it, but it became like a recurring trend. Everyone was saying it. And so, part of the things I was seeing and things I watched, I’m was like, ‘I could definitely do that.’ I felt like I could maybe even do it better.
SW: What type of material were you watching?
AJ: Well, when I first started watching, it was, more like boy-girl. But I’ve always really been into the dom/sub vibe because I am considered a no-limit submissive. So, I love watching more relatively dominant bondage type stuff. I was watching threesomes. But at the time, when I was young, it was boy-girl. As I got older, I was really into gang bangs. I love watching gang bangs; the daddy-daughter thing really turns me on. So, anything like that. Anything with really big cocks, like destroying someone. I really like that.
SW: With gang bangs, do you see yourself doing that? Does that turn you on maybe a center of attention? Do you want to get destroyed?
AJ: Yes. I would love to do that I’ve never done a full gangbang. I’ve had threesomes with two guys and then like a foursome with two guys or three guys, but not like a full-blown gangbang. That’s something I would definitely like to do. I like the idea of being overwhelmed with cock like that. I think I would do really well in that type of scene.
SW: So that’s what destroyed means to you then? You’re just being overwhelmed or you’re just being just overfucked? Just like literally.
AJ: Yeah. I guess. Just fucked hard because like I’m not someone that really does a lot of gentle sex. I like being thrown around. I like being choked, slapped, whatever. But I also love the feeling of DP. DP is like one of my favorite things. That’s something I watch a lot of. So, I guess, destroyed is like when you’re just so spent afterwards that you can literally fall asleep on the spot. It’s my favorite feeling. It’s the most relaxing vibe.
SW: So, I’m guessing you like fucking instead of making love?
AJ: Yeah. I had an ex actually that used to ask “Why can’t you just make love like other girls want to?” And I’m like, “What do you mean?” I don’t know. I just like the raw intensity of fucking.
SW: You’re brand new, so you may not know this, but do you know what CNC stands for?
AJ: Yeah.
SW: Have you done consensual nonconsensual sexual scenes?
AJ: Not yet.
SW: So you’re okay with blindfolds and handcuffs and all that?
AJ: Yes. I encourage it.
SW: Is the turn on for you that you’re giving up control or that guys can do whatever they want with you?
AJ: I guess, to me, in that situation, for some reason, I’ve always felt like by giving up all of my control, for some reason, it makes me feel more in control. It almost doesn’t make sense, but I don’t feel helpless. To me, it’s like empowering almost to be giving all of your free will or whatever to someone else. I love the entire concept of that and the dynamic. It really turns me on.
SW: Prior to OnlyFans and all that, had you taken any pictures of yourself, naughty pictures, anything? Did you take pictures in high school?
AJ: Yes. Yes. There were some of me that got out when I was in high school. I think I was fourteen. I was a freshman in high school when I started doing that. I remember that stuff getting out, I was super young, and it was like to some senior in high school. But, I’ve always been a big fan of sexting and sending pictures, sending videos. So, I’ve done that pretty religiously and I think that’s kind of also what gave me the courage to join OnlyFans because I was used to it. I’m like so comfortable naked. I’m fine with being naked in front of anybody and whatever. I don’t really care who sees it. So that part wasn’t a fear for me.
SW: At that point, though, before OnlyFans and even in high school, were you more of a cock tease? Taking pictures and stuff strictly to get guys turned on, to wanting to have sex with you?
AJ: I don’t think I was a tease. I mean, I know I lost my virginity pretty young. I think I lost my virginity when I was a freshman, at fourteen. It was my idea, with a boyfriend who was older, but I remember saying, “Can we move forward to the next step?” So, no, I don’t think I was at cock tease. They wanted to have sex with me or whatever. Part of it was to just turn them on, I guess please them. I have sort of a deep need to please. That’s part of me being submissive, and it turns me, I get off on pleasing. So, if that’s what it takes, that’s what it takes.
SW: Did it, or does it still, also give you a sense of power, something like the power you discussed feeling earlier?
AJ: I think it does. I always feel good after I do it.
SW: You mentioned you were the one you initiated losing your virginity
AJ: Yeah. Which I’m pretty proud of because a lot of people have terrible stories of how they lost their virginity. I remember my boyfriend was a few years older, he was a junior. I was actually really smart in school. I was in one of the advanced classes, with all juniors. That’s how I met him. And you know, we started kind of slow. I’m fourteen, I’m barely developed. But the next thing you know, I’m giving him blowjobs. I skipped handjobs, really. I just went straight to oral. That is probably why I can deepthroat the way I can. But no, I remember just being like, “Why haven’t we had sex yet?” And he was like, “Well, I didn’t want to push you or whatever. You’re a virgin.” I remember basically threatening to break up with him. I said, “We need to have sex.” And so, we did that day after school at his house. It wasn’t a drunk thing or whatever. It was fine. I mean, he wasn’t great, but it was fine.
SW: You have sex the first time, do you immediately become sexually active, or do you maybe wait a little bit?
AJ: I would say it was pretty immediate. Yeah, it was definitely immediate after the first time and then constant. I feel I get kind of anxious if I haven’t had sex in long time. Dry spells don’t happen for me because I’ve just never been able to do that. Even after like a day, I get really antsy.
SW: In high school, were you a hit-and-run type of girl? You see a boy, you bone him, and you dump him.
AJ: I think I might have been. I mean, There were some people I did that with, so it’s hard to say no. At the same time, there were a lot of repeat offenders, I would have sex with them more than once. It wasn’t like a one night or a one-time thing. So, it was kind of a mix.
SW: Did you have repeat offenders because they did a good job of fucking you, because they had a big dick, because they went down on you well?
AJ: Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I’ve never fucked someone twice that wasn’t good. Like, if it’s terrible, then it’s just never going to happen again. I just pretend it never happened. And going down on me is great. But to me, I need them to have a good-sized dick. I’m pretty good, though, at picking out cock before I even see it. I’ve just had a lot of luck with that. I would be very upset being with someone with a really small dick. So yeah. So, they have to have a good dick, and they have to fuck me well. That’s pretty much it.
SW: What defines good fucking to you?
AJ: It depends. I need to be able to come just as much as he does. I’m multi-orgasmic, so it’s not that hard to give me orgasms.
So, if a guy can’t do that, I mean, I’ve put in all this work to make him cum. You know. So, I appreciate someone that cares about me getting off.
SW: You’re a good-looking woman with sexual experience, to me that’s every guy’s fantasy, but I am sure that intimidates men as well, right?
AJ: I think I’ve avoided that because I usually am with older men. I’ve always dated someone that’s slightly older or significantly older. I think I’m attracted to that more. But with guys my age, I have noticed a lot of them are intimidated by me. And so usually, the ones {my age} I have been with sexually have never been as good as I wanted them to be.
SW: Well, I’m sure you scared the shit out of them. You mentioned you gave a BJ before you went all the way.
AJ: Yes.
SW: Did you initiate that? Did he initiate that? How does he tell you to put his thing in your mouth?
AJ: I think I initiated it. I just remember we were watching a movie or something, and I just kind of went for it. It’s weird when I think back to that because I think I’ve always had kind of a sick mind. My friends tell me that. Everyone has told me that. I’m just kind of deviant sexually. So, sex is always something I’m thinking about. And things just seem, when I see cucumbers, I always think about them inside of me type of thing. I don’t know. I think my head was on his lap or something, and I just put his cock in my mouth. It was something like that. It just felt natural.
SW: And then from watching porn, did you kind of know what you needed or wanted to do, or just did it?
AJ: Yeah. I think porn definitely gave me guidance on that.
SW: So, do you think you are good at giving blowjobs?
AJ: I think I’m great at giving below jobs. I think it’s like one of my best qualities.
SW: What’s the secret to a good BJ? Are you a hand person, a spit person?
AJ: I would never spit. I always swallow, I can deep throat, I like being throat fucked. My gag reflex is just different, it doesn’t really exist much. So, for me, I like having my throat fucked. I like doing everything I can to please the guy. I think you have to take care of the whole package, though. People don’t give enough attention to balls, I think. And a lot of guys are into having their ass licked a little, but a lot of girls are not interested in doing that. I think you have to remember there’s a lot that goes on, and there’s different parts of a cock that are more sensitive than others. I guess I’m really in touch with that type of thing. I notice how they react to certain things.I always swallow. I think spitting is weird. I just don’t even understand the concept of it. I like the taste of it.
Q: Do you like deep throat fucking?
A: Yeah, for me, deep throating, it’s literally like I’m basing the cock. I’m getting every inch and more. They’re throat fucking me, it’s going all the way in the whole time.
Q: So it would be like deep throat face fucking, I guess. He’s grabbing the back of your head and pushing your head down and all that. That’s all good?
A: Yes. Oh, yeah. Or like I’m on my knees, with my back and my head against a wall. It’s not even like I can back up and they’re just like throat fucking me like that. Or with my head dangling from behind because from that position, you really can’t move at all. You’re kind of just , at their mercy. And that’s a great angle for taking the entire cock down your throat. You have to control your breathing. That’s really all it is. And gagging, I guess. Some people have really sensitive gag reflexes, but I don’t. I don’t think I’ve ever had anybody suck someone off faster than me.
Q: So, you consider yourself a throat goat? A: Yes, I would consider myself a throat goat.
SW: Have you ever used your oral abilities to get something you wanted?
AJ: Oh, yeah. And to make up for things. If it’s a guy that I fought with, an ex-boyfriend or something like that, we were fighting, usually one really good selfless blowjob is more than enough to get him to forgive me.
SW: You mentioned rim jobs. When was the first time you gave a rim job?
AJ: Probably like seventeen. I think I was still a senior in high school. I was with this guy that I used to fuck when he was in high school, but he was then in college, almost done with college. When he was home for a break or something, he encouraged me to do it. I was like, ‘Okay. I guess this is something he picked up at school.’ From there, it just became a habitual thing.
He said he always came so much harder from that because he would edge and stuff. I kind of got into that edging with the guy. So yeah, I think I was seventeen.
SW: And do you like it done to you or do you just like doing it to other people?
AJ: Yeah. I like it done to me. It’s like ‘Why not? It feels great. I love anal, so anything near anal is also good.’
SW: When the first time you had anal sex?
AJ: I think I was a freshman in college. It was right after I joined a sorority, and it just kind of happened with some guy I was hooking up with. I don’t even think we talked about it. It was just all of a sudden, his cock was in my ass. I was like, “Whoa!” But I enjoyed it. So, a lot of people that I know, some of my friends, they literally cry when the guy they’re with tries to have anal with them. I don’t know if it’s an acquired taste or something, but I’ve just always actually enjoyed it. I can get off while I’m having anal. So, I think that’s part of it.
SW: Do you do ATM’s?
AJ: Yes, always. I, of course, do those. There’s something about that that’s a turn-on to me.
SW: And for you, is it easier to do DP than just do straight anal?
AJ: No. It’s not easier because I’m small. I know I talk pretty loud and I’m kind of in-your-face, but I’m a small person. I’m like maybe hundred pounds soaking wet. And I’m pretty tight. Even though I’ve taken a good amount of dick over my time, I’m tight.
So, getting two cocks, one in each hole, if they’re both big, can be challenging. But once it’s inside, it’s amazing.
SW: And with someone new, if he doesn’t fuck me in the ass, I almost feel like he’s mad at me. So that’s kind of how I feel.
SW: What is it that gets you going? Do you like your neck nibbled, your boobs played it, maybe your neck?
AJ: Yes, paying attention to my neck, nibbling, kissing it, definitely gets me going. My clit is really sensitive. So having my pussy licked or played with, fingered, whatever, definitely gets me going. That and my neck are probably two of the most sensitive things.
SW: Do you like dirty talk?
AJ: Yeah. I love it. I think it’s great.
SW: Somebody speaking it or you speaking it?
AJ: I like both. I just kind of love the no filter aspect of it. You know, it seems very raw, and it just seems authentic for me. I don’t know. I like it, it gets me going a lot faster. I literally can get wet just like listening to dirty talk. So yeah, I definitely enjoy it.
SW: And you kind of touched on it earlier, but for a guy to have a chance in hell with you, tall, short, fat, skinny?
AJ: Preferably not fat, but also not overly skinny. More so like someone that’s in shape, someone that’s taller than me, I think is ideal. I’m like 5’5″, 5’6”. So even nearby the same height is okay if he’s like a really good fuck or has like a monster cock, then I don’t care about height, really, at all. As long as he can fuck me like crazy, and he’s like confident with fucking and isn’t… I love guys that are unapologetic and know what they want and go for it. I don’t do well with very timid guys, they just annoy me. I like guys that are more assertive. That’s one of the biggest things I would say I look for.
SW: Being in the sex industry, does sex still have to be a big part of a personal relationship?
AJ: Yeah. I really love it all the time, as much as possible. So, for me, I don’t think it would ever be a chore because I’ve always loved it so much. I feel I’m at my most centered when I’ve had at least three rounds a day, that is ideal. I would appreciate that the most, three to five rounds a day, I would say. I tell people I’ve been with this, and they’re like, “That’s exhausting. I can’t have sex five times a day.”
I guess I just don’t think it would ever be a chore for me because it’s something I just have always loved so much.
SW: And when you shoot content for OnlyFans, do you shoot stuff you want to shoot or stuff you think will sell?
AJ: Mostly what I want to shoot. I’ve had people recommend that I shoot more of certain things because they sell better or whatever. Maybe I should think more business-oriented. But a lot of the content I’m shooting is just because I actually wanted to shoot that. I think that the type of content ends up being the best content I produce because it’s when I’m really into it. I think that that’s reflected on camera. I could be wrong, but I feel like it is.
SW: Where are you from originally?
AJ: I’m from New York originally.
SW: Born and raised?
AJ: Born and raised, yes.
SW: Did you go to a public school, private school?
AJ: I went to a really good public school. Our school was like one of the top one or two in the state. I had the option if I wanted to from my parents, but I was like, “No.” So yeah, I went to public school and then graduated. I played a bunch of sports in school, so I’ve always been competitive, and I’m athletic. I guess I have endurance. Maybe that’s why I like having so many rounds a day. But yeah, then I went to college and graduated from that after four years. I got a degree in marketing and communications. So, I was a dual major.
SW: In grade school, did you have a favorite subject?
AJ: Writing. I’m a great writer. Writing poetry, writing short stories, writing articles, writing books. Everything.
I used to want to be an author forever because I’m really good at it. I was published when I was younger, under a pen name. I like writing stories, writing articles. Articles are something I really like, content for brands. Just kind of everything.
I’m kind of not just a one-trick pony, I would say. I think I have multiple talents in that field. I’m really good at sales, but some people say it’s just because of how I look. SW: Did you have any idea what you want to do with the rest of your life when you were in grade school?
AJ: No, I didn’t. I definitely did not think it would be porn. I can tell you that. But I do know that other people thought I would eventually go into porn. We used to joke about it and stuff, and then it’s funny because it’s like, I guess they were right. But no, I wasn’t really sure. I just assumed I would live and work. I always thought I would work in New York City, and that was something I always wanted from the time I was young. And it ended up working out pretty well.
SW: In high school, were you a popular girl? Were you a loner? Were you a geek? Were you a nerd?
AJ: I was popular. It’s weird to say, I guess., but I’ve always been popular. I make friends really easily. I think I’m just easy to get along with. I had a lot of friends. But yeah, in high school, I had a huge group. There was like twenty of us. We were very cliquey, whatever, and were considered the popular kids. And then the sorority I was in was known as the one with the hot girls at my college. I’ve always been very outgoing. I’m a really social person that could talk to a wall. So yeah, it’s always been easy for me to make friends.
But it’s funny because the first video I did, immediately, someone commented once it was released with my real name and stuff. And I was like, “Of course.” That’s what would happen because I think I know a lot of people or a lot of people know me in this area, I guess.
SW: Were you popular with the boys in high school?
AJ: I was. I was very popular with the boys in high school and in college. From the time I was a freshman. I was popular with the senior guys very, very quickly. And then pretty much everyone. But like I said, the guys in my grade were always mostly intimidated by me. So, I usually shopped for older people.
SW: Were some of the other girls mad, jealous of you because you’ll be fucking their boyfriend? I’m guessing you’re fucking their boyfriends?
AJ: I’m a loyal friend, so I would never fuck my friend’s boyfriends. I did fuck yeah, there was some drama surrounding that. But I mean, I don’t care. I don’t think it’s fair when the girl gets mad because, at the end of the day, it’s not my fault, really. But yeah, people have always been a little jealous, I would say. I work out and I take care of myself really well, but I’ve always had a really tight body. So, people have always been jealous of that also because I eat what I want, but I still look the same. I think maybe it’s just good genetics.
SW: How do you make the transition then into Onlyfans, from work?
AJ: I guess I got started because I kept hearing about it, and I was hearing about people making crazy money, selling foot pictures. I started realizing ,I don’t know, maybe this would be something that’s interesting. Then I looked more into it, and then I just figured if I don’t try to see if maybe it’s something I would like, then I’m always going to wonder about it. I thought now was the perfect time. I think it was during COVID, too, so I was home a lot.
SW: When you’re not doing silly interviews like this, what do you like to do if you have time off?
AJ: I love to travel; traveling is like a huge part of my life. I love cooking; I’m a great cook. I like to work out. I do yoga and I run. I run outside, I don’t really do treadmill stuff. I am more than happy to run even in the snow.
SW: And what else?
AJ: I like to read, stuff like that. I’m pretty normal. I go out to brunch with my friends a lot. We go out at night. I mean, I’m in New York. There’s so much to do, but I’m active. SW: And how much different are you than Alexis? How much of Alexis is an act?
AJ: This honestly is me. I’ve tried to make Alexis as much like me as possible. I think everything that Alexis does is truly what I am or what I like, and the different kinks I have and stuff like that. I have tried to make this be the case because I think my personality is a little unique. I’ve tried to maintain that as much as possible.
SW: Anything you want to say to all of your fans?
AJ: I’m just like super grateful to have fans. So, I’m really excited to have a lot of content that I’m going to be coming out with; there’s going to be a lot after the end of this month. And then I’m going to AVN, so I’m thrilled about that. Message me on whatever platform, I always reply. I take recommendations.
SW: Alexis, thank you.
Special Thanks to Brian Gross at BSGPR for his help putting this together
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