Madison Scott Returns-First Interview back-exclusive

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All photos courtesy of Madison Scott

In this, her first interview since returning, Madison Scott gives you a peek here inside her upcoming, biography,”Not My Parent’s Daughter”, and just barely scratches the surface of her truly amazing and inspiring journey thus fire. The Arizona native and mother of 4 holds nothing back in discussing the Incredible Highs,including winning awards, to becoming a Global Innovation Fellow for the U.S. Department of State and representing the United States around the world, earning multiple academic degrees: A Certificate in Entrepreneurship from Draper University, a BA in Liberal Studies, a Master’s Degree in User Experience from Arizona State University, and a graduate certificate in Engineering Project Management, among-st others. Those highs were over shadowed by even lower lows, from early abuse, to raising a child at 16, entering the Adult Industry at 18, a serious battle with Breast Cancer, attempted suicide to almost being killed, multiple times. And thru it all, she’s raised 4 children,  stopped being afraid of succeeding and come out the other side, not expecting sympathy or a hand out, but embracing all the opportunities in front of her with a respectful sense of humility and understanding that, going forward, because of everything she’s been thru, there will be no  compromises, beginning with the fact that she’s just left a cushy 6 figure corporate future to pursue a more artistic path. Over the course of 2 hours, our discussion had no boundaries, and all the way to the very last question, provided many many surprises.


SW: {Sherman Way}: Tell me about your bio, “Not My Parent’s Daughter”

MS:{Madison Scott}: So I’ve written an autobiography. It’s in kind of the editing stage right now, and were also kind of going through it. It’s really difficult when you’re writing an autobiography. You kind of have to either tell the person’s name or talk to them and get approval or you just kind of have to go for it and hope you don’t get sued. So it’s just in the final editing stages before it actually comes out.

SW: Did you write it in chronological order? Do the whole index cards, where you put them on the wall and do that whole thing.

MS: I actually had somebody that is a professional writer in that literary world help me. I actually took literally publishing at Arizona State University in graduate school. So I have a professor that I’ve been able to bounce stuff off of as well. But I did have a professional that was kind of feeding me questions to help me pull out some of the dark and deep stuff. And then something fascinating that I’ve done while writing the book, which I’ve done for 17 years, I started using psychedelics on my 18th birthday, and over the past 7-8 years in academia, I started using it for mental health, for research, getting into that side of things. And so I’ve done ketamine treatments and psilocybin and really used that as kind of a catalyst and tool while writing the book. So it was almost like therapy while writing my autobiography. So I’m really excited for people to read about because I wanted it to also have a real authentic vibe. I didn’t want it to be all negative or all positive. I wanted the whole complex story to be told.

SW: What motivated you to write the book? Was it a healing thing?

MS: Yes. The past 8 years, being out of the industry, I went to college, got my bachelor’s, my master’s, got into a doctoral program, got some graduate certifications, and just had a lot of life between starting the adult industry at 18 and then getting out and not being on social media and raising my kids for 8 years and kind of doing academia and corporate life. So I wanted to share my upbringing, how that transpired into becoming an adult film star at 18, how that launched me into a pretty extreme fandom with becoming a Brazzer’s contract star. And then how I became a Global Innovation Fellow for the U.S. State Department and why I’m choosing to make a comeback now when I actually just quit a 6 figure corporate America job for it.


SW: So any questions there, but you mentioned if I remember correctly, when you blew up, you didn’t seem surprised by it. You were always quiet and sure.

MS: No, I think from the time I was a little girl, I always wanted to sing and dance and act and perform. It was just something that was really natural for me. It’s really natural for my children as well, which is really fascinating. To see that DNA transpire and how that’s working out for them, my daughter actually just got a full ride scholarship for vocal performance and is starting college in a few weeks. So I don’t think it was something that ever shocked me personally. But I never did any of this for fame. And I think not being on social media the past 8 years has proved that. It’s always been about the creative art for me, like the project, and just, the acting itself. So yeah, I would say I’m a method actress, and I just genuinely enjoy that as a job.

SW: You just touched on it briefly, but when big Porn Stars got out if the industry, where do they go? How long did it you take you to transition back into being a civilian and get away from all this?

MS: I left LA in about the summer of 2015. And came back to Arizona. Then I started college at Arizona State University, got a full scholarship to go do a partnership program up in Silicon Valley. So I moved up there with my three kids alone to San Mateo, a Foster City in California, and I did the Draper university entrepreneurship program and graduated from that. And then I moved back from that program to Arizona and finished my bachelor’s in liberal studies and was working. I worked normal civilian jobs even. I worked at Intel. So my undergraduate internship was at Intel on the smart cities engineering team. I don’t think anyone would have ever imagined that for me, even myself. I didn’t truly know what I was capable of. Academically, I was always a gifted child. I just didn’t realize because the adult industry kind of almost gives you, people kind of tell you that your worth is based on your body and not your brain. And so for a while, I’d become accustomed to that. So when all of a sudden I was winning awards and accolades in academia, I was like, oh, wow. I can do what I did in adult in academia too. It almost gave me a rush and a high. So I continued down that path. After I graduated with my bachelor’s, I was like, you know what? I’m going to go on and get my master’s now. And then I did that and I got a 4.0 and I actually got published as a solo author, which was extremely unheard of as a master’s student. I did prioritizing inclusion in smart cities. So it actually had to do with the engineering program and what I was working on at the time with my thesis. Then from there, I was like, you know, I want to go to law school, so I applied, and I got in, the only school I applied to, I got in right away, actually. I just did that this past year. And then from there, I got my corporate job making 6 figures. I had multiple job offers. I took one that I thought I would be at for 20 years, and I did it. And I realized that I was not happy. I wasn’t fulfilled. It wasn’t my true sole purpose. I was working, doing it for somebody else, doing something that I wasn’t, you know, I was having anxiety every day. So I quit my job, making really good money with good health insurance. On the gamble that my fans would still have my back and then I would be able to pursue creative pursuits beyond adult and into mainstream, knowing now that my worth was never determined by the degrees or by my socioeconomic status or by where I came from. My value has always come from within, but it took getting to this point and earning all of those degrees and accolades for me to see that even just as an adult film star, I was just as worthy of you know, as intelligent, I just didn’t have the piece of paper and I hadn’t gone through the process. So for any other adult film stars out there watching, I mean, I think people think say, oh, this sky’s the limit, but I always was one of those people that was like, this sky is just kind of a place for me to be inspired by, and it’s just a starting limit for me.

SW: Was there ever any hassle because you were an adult film star performer before that?

MS: There were some people that knew that brought it up to me, mostly privately, like off to the side at an event or in a text message. Obviously, you know, it comes with the territory. I expected it. It’s not something that bothers me, the way I look at it is, unless they’re making it a problem. It’s not going to become one. The only issue that I’ve had with the industry and getting out was people contacting my daughter on social media who is underage. That was a big issue for me because I’m a big proponent of teaching the difference between sex love and porn. And age appropriateness. So for me, that was crossing a boundary, but at work, when they’re consenting adults, if we’re not on the clock, if we’re at an after event or they’re texting me something, I mean, that’s their prerogative you know. We’re consenting adults and it’s up to me how I want to respond.

SW: Did being a mom of four children give you a strong backbone and maybe help you kind of ignore all that.

MS: I think so, because they’re all different ages and I was a young mom, I was a teen mom, so for me, I’ve always kind of just I felt like I was always in survival mode, and it was always, do whatever I have to do for my children so that they never have to want for anything. And I feel like I succeeded at that. You know, my oldest has a full scholarship for vocal performance. My son was just president of his elementary school and just graduated elementary school and with valedictorian. Then my daughter Charlotte’s one of the best roadblocks gamer than edits and does cap cut. And it’s just super creative. And my 16 month old is just a joy. So they give me meaning and purpose and a drive and a motivation to constantly pursue success in whatever form that looks like for me at the time.

SW: When you originally left the business, was there something happened that caused you to say, I’m done, or did you just feel you’d had enough of it and you’d gone as far as you could go?

MS: I think there’s multiple layers to that. I did sort of feel like I hit a peak you know. I became a Brazzer’s contract star, and at the time, OnlyFans wasn’t even really a thing yet. That was sort of like the peak of where you go {getting a Brazzers contract}. And for me, once I hit a peak of anything, I want to start something new, that’s just the way I am, I have a growth mindset.That’s the way my mind works. I also fell in love with someone that I didn’t plan on falling in love with. And that had a profound effect on me, and then I had found a lump in my left breast. And that had a huge effect on me as well. So there were multiple layers as to why I got out when I did. I know the universe works in mysterious ways. So timing wise, it happened exactly the way it was supposed to happen. But yeah, I think I definitely did feel like I hit a peak. And so coming back, obviously, it’s like, where do you start? That’s been the big question. When you’ve already been at the top, when you’re coming back, how do you entice and keep those fans that already are in love with you? And then get everyone else that you want to become a fan  because I want to do so much more than I’ve done before and more than just adult. I do want to do mainstream, television and film. And so I am taking Lee Strasberg intensive courses this year. And trying to push the boundaries of what Tracy lords did and really be able to do the crossover? There’s already mainstream producers that have hit me up like, we’re interested in potentially purchasing your story and turning it into a feature film, and I had pitched it as a series and they were like, this is definitely a feature film. This is a great story. So yeah, it’s in chronological order. It starts with you know my childhood and goes into how I got into adult and then how I got out and kind of everything that happened from then on me going to China as a Global Innovation fellow for the U.S. State Department. I was one of 50 chosen. That’s not something I ever expected in my life to happen. To me, it’s still one of the most fascinating things that I’ve accomplished. And then it goes into my kids, the miscarriages, the loft is my son who’s 16 months old, had a twin sister that passed away in utero, and I had to carry both of them to term in order to deliver. So it goes into  the complexity of my life and also my love life personally In and out of the Industry and how the industry affected that and how it affected my psyche.

SW: Are you comfortable talking about your experience with breast cancer?

MS: Yes, absolutely. So I had a lumpectomy in the fall of 2016 and I did chemotherapy tamoxifen and then went and did my program in Silicon Valley amd came back to Arizona. I had a bad mammogram in December of 2018. So I had a nipple sparing bilateral mastectomy in April of 2019 and I had about a dozen surgeries after that of space about 6 weeks apart. They were really hard on me mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually. But the whole time that I was going through those surgeries, I stayed going to school. I stayed working. I went right back to Intel three weeks after my nipple sparing bilateral mastectomy. It was tough. I’m not going to lie. It is a huge part of the book. Tamoxifen chemo fried kind of my eggs, which is why I did IVF, so I did two egg retrievals. And out of that, I think we had gathered like 40 something eggs and had them tested and only, I think, a total of 8 eggs were healthy. And they were all created still pretty low because of the chemo. So I have 5 left, three boys and two girls, it’s all in the book. I actually have my last reconstruction coming up on September 19th. My surgeon is Dr. Genaro Valladolid. { } He actually did my face, though he did a Rhinoplasty and under eye blepharoplasty on me a few months ago. He did a phenomenal job. He’s an extraordinary surgeon. I would recommend him to anybody. I’m really looking forward to the final part of the transformation and I’m feeling great. I’m cancer free. I’m alive. It’s given me a whole new lease on life. I’m grateful to have the life that I have. I’m grateful for all of the experiences that I’ve had, even the negative ones because they all brought me here. Now I get this opportunity to  chase my dreams, and I’m just not afraid of anything anymore. I think before, I wasn’t afraid of failure. I think you saw that in me. I was afraid of success. And now I’m no longer afraid of anything. I’m just willing to be authentic and put it out there because I think people need to hear the story and hopefully realize that, if I can get through it, they can get through it too.

Sw: The global innovation fellow thing. How does that come up? Did you get a letter in the mail? Does somebody call you?

MS: I applied with tens of thousands of other people. I was running my own startup. There was 52 students, I believe, at Draper University. I was the one that got venture capital funds. I had a company called Run Sphere. We did virtual reality for K12 education. So I built a platform on unity. I used an Xbox controller. We, at the time, it was the Samsung Gear headset. So you put the phone in. And after, you actually could walk around with the Microsoft Xbox controller and walk around the classroom and learn and do all these things. And I got accepted to the Clinton Global Initiative, I got to go to China as a global innovation fellow and promote VRAR technology and expand deal flow between China and America, which was extraordinary for me.Partying with the U.S. government officials was just something I’ll never forget. And then in Silicon Valley, all the VCs that came, came to my Airbnb and actually saw the product that I had put together as the female founder. I was also the only female founder actually in July of 2015 and upload VR. I took runner up because Disney accelerator was funding it and they knew I was an adult film star. So I had to get runner up because if they gave me the check, that would look bad on Disney. But everyone knew, so they all came to the after party. They all saw everything. And it was just fascinating. So it’s just been a really fun ride. I mean, I’ve enjoyed being an entrepreneur. It’s difficult when you’re a female. I think if I did have a penis, I probably would have been a lot further a lot faster. But I’m still grateful for where I’m at now. And I do see that there’s a really bright future ahead for me creatively. And now, by putting myself out there like this, I’m going to have, hopefully people that are just minded individuals that want to create really amazing creative projects, hit me up so that we can do that.

SW: You send in the letter, you get a response that says, congratulations; you’ve been accepted, awarded.

MS: Yes, it was an email actually. I remember where I was. I was in San Mateo sitting at one of the Draper university desks. And a lot of people that I knew were there, they all applied too. And most didn’t get in. At the time, I was working with one of my girlfriends, Sophia Collier, and we were you know working on VRAR kind of EDM, cool, futuristic, you know, tech together. And we had both just decided, you know what? We’re young, we’re females. Like, what do we have to lose in this situation? We get to know, right? That’s the biggest loss is we get to know. That’s nothing you know. So we just applied thinking, like, why not? And most people all got denials, and the two of us sat there right next to each other, and we opened up the emails, and we got this congratulations. You’ve been chosen as a global innovation fellow for the U.S. State Department, like get your passport ready, you’re flying to China in a few weeks. So it was really, it was fast. It was the most extraordinary feeling.

SW: From being in this industry, did doing all the interviews and all the promo maybe helping you when you went into China, you already knew how to deal with it, the media?

MS: Yes. I’m going to be honest. I think when I did interviews in adult in the past, a lot of it was exaggerated or I felt like I was saying what people wanted me to say. What they wanted to hear, they wanted that fantasy, right? Like, I’m sure now people are wanting to hear, oh, I’ve been sleeping with all these guys, and I’m this whole promiscuous person, but that’s not reality. You know, even on several sites right now, it’s like, oh, she slept with thousands of women. I have not slept with thousands of women, that is a total lie. The industry definitely over exaggerates, you know, in order to create a fantasy. I do understand that that’s necessary you know, part of the job, but moving forward, I’ve really made it a point to not do that. And just tell the truth and be honest and authentic because those are the fans that I want. And I want people to know who I really am. And really learn to love me for you know, my past, my present, and my future and want to work with me because they know they can trust me. And I’ve built a positive reputation.

SW: Interviews aside, were your scenes exaggerated? Most people say adult scenes are exaggerated anyway.

MS: I mean, I’m a method actress. I’m doing my job, but does that mean I’m not enjoying it? I mean, it really depended on the day, the scene, the director, how the day was, how long the dialog was. Positions, how I was feeling that day. Some days I had to shoot on my period. It’s different than when you’re not. There are so many factors that play into, you how that goes. But as far as exaggerating, I think the orgasms on most porn sets, especially when you know you’re on a set, can be exaggerated, not always. But it’s just one of those things that depends on who you’re working with. If you’ve got someone that’s really good at what they’re doing and they’re a professional and they know how to get you off, then that’s great you know. That’s a win, that’s a bonus for that day, right? But there’s always going to be those times when you have to fake it because you’ve got to show what you need to do for the scene. And that’s a huge part of what I want to educate people on is that difference between sex, love, and porn. I mean, porn is made for entertainment, right? The exaggeration is there for the fantasy. That’s what the job is right? That’s what it entails, though. I would expect nothing less from that.

SW: So with the advocacy work and being a mom, do you think this generation of kids use Porn for education on how to have good sex?

MS: I do. I do. I think it is. And I think we have a huge opportunity to change that. I think a big part of that change is by educating the parents on having those conversations with their children about the difference between sex love and porn. A lot of parents are scared to talk to their kids about sex, or they don’t know when it’s age appropriate to talk to them about sex, or their religious, their only option to their kids is abstinence when in those cases typically those are the children that end up not being safe, or you know end up pregnant or have an STD because they weren’t talked to about the actual consequences or the repercussions and what could potentially happen. So I’m hoping moving forward that I can help become, you know an advocate for that, because I am putting my kids on my social media. I do have my children’s approval. I always ask them before I post something. They know what I do too, and the age appropriate extent my daughter, who’s going into college obviously is fully aware of everything and is very supportive. Obviously, she would never do it herself because she’ll never have to. But my children are extremely well rounded individuals and my daughter has never had sex and never done, you know, drugs and drank and partied and done all that strictly because I was honest with her about everything and had those tough conversations and I think research wise I’ve kind of proven that it works. If you’re willing to have the difficult conversations with your kids and you’re honest with them, they’re going to communicate with you and they’re going to be honest with you, and they’re not going to just get education from porn. And if they do watch porn, they’re going to understand that it’s entertainment, right? It’s not the way it’s {sex} supposed to be done. It’s not about degrading a woman and this. You know, there’s a difference between making love and pleasure and the back and forth you know, reciprocity between that love. And then just having sex with someone that, maybe there’s not feelings involved, but it’s consensual adult sex, right? And then there’s the entertainment value. And me teaching my kids the difference has made all the difference in their life. And I hope that I can be a catalyst for change in that with a bunch of other families across the world.

SW: Two questions, feel free not to answer them, but when you decide to have the sex talk with your daughter, or when you decide to mention your past business, how do you even approach that?

MS: So she was actually sent pictures at an earlier age than I would have liked. and came to me with it. It was not how I wanted it to be with the oldest, but she did ask. And so I gave an age appropriate answer at that time, I believe she was in third or fourth grade. I was not ready to have the full discussion, but I just explained to her that mommy was an adult film star. And I made adult movies for adults you know, consenting adults and that helped to pay for our life and our bills, and that was just my job. It was just a job, and she didn’t have to worry about me. And then with my 11 and ten year old now, they understand what sex is. They understand what sex work is. They understand what destigmatizing sex workers means. They understand what a sexually transmitted disease is. I teach human anatomy and physiology to them so they know what body parts are, what their names are, what they do, what the pleasure and erotic zones are. You know, when the appropriate time is, where the appropriate place is, I’ve explained to them that if they have any questions that they can come to me and there will never be any judgment. And they’ve done that. They’ve come to me with questions like, you know, my ten year old daughter, mom, why don’t I have boobs? You haven’t gone through puberty yet. You don’t have boobs yet. Also, I ended up getting fake boobs. So you know you might not get big boobs. And that’s okay. You’re perfect just the way you are. I just talked to them like I would talk to anybody at that age appropriate level. And kids are so resilient and so much smarter than we give them credit for and they’re capable of learning so much. And by just teaching them that porn is sex, we’re basically educating an entire generation.

And what’s actually going on behind closed doors is teenagers and young adults trying to imitate porn as if porn is pleasurable, lovemaking or sex and that’s not always the case.

SW: You touched on advocacy, sex, love and porn. Sex and love, were they what you were talking about before, where there was consensual sex or is there a different the between to you.

MS: Sex obviously can happen between teenagers and I think that the conversation between the parents and those kids needs to be had. It happens. A lot, I think there are also a lot of teenagers and young adults in that 15 to 21 year old space that there’s that very blurred line in that there’s also a big educational piece that we need to work on. But sex and love are not the same thing. You can have sex without loving somebody. And you can love somebody and be married to somebody and not really have sex with them, right? So there’s all these different educational components that we can work on and have panels on and bigger discussions on at a later date, but I do think that the overall consensus is that they’re kind of all intertwined in thinking that porn is all of the above encompassing, right, that it’s not just entertainment. It’s like, this is real. This is what I aspire to be, all these guys. Oh, I want to be a “porn star”. Like it’s some grandiose fantasy. And they don’t really see the reality of it, or even think about potential consequences. And not to say anything is bad or good. I think, people should do research like real scholarly type research and dive into all the aspects of what they’re potentially getting into and doing before they do it. It’s better to be proactive than reactive or have to deal with a consequence after the fact.


SW: But someone like yourself, you provide the extremely unique perspective of having lived through it. So it’s not like you have to tell somebody, well, you need to read this. Like, no, no, I did this.

MS: Yes. I was pregnant at 16. I did start the industry at 18. I do know the difference between sex love and porn. I am available for anyone that wants me to speak on the subject. I would be more than happy to share my knowledge with schools, parents, panels, conferences, anyone, because I do believe that the topic does need to be highly talked about in this day and age.

SW: Was there any other specific things that happened or stories that were probably really personal, but you felt they were important to tell in the book?

MS: Yes, there was a woman in my life that was a gifted honors high school kind of like mentor or guidance counselor to me at around the age of  14, 15 years old. She was the very first person that I brought my daughter to meet when I had her. I was 16 and pregnant. She helped me get into an accelerated high school and graduate. She reached out to me in my early to mid-20s when I lived in LA. She was a principal in Los Angeles and she called me when I was in Vegas one day, and you know most adult film stars escort and I was doing that at the time and she called me and she said, I’m okay with you being an actress. I’m okay with everything that you’re doing, but I’m not okay with you escorting. You’re too good for that. You’re too smart. You’re capable of anything. The one thing that no one can ever take away from you is your education. And it changed my life that day. That was the day I stopped. It’s something I’ve never shared with anyone. It’s in the book. I don’t even think she personally knows and probably will read it for the first time in the book, but that was a huge turning point in me getting out and really going to school and wanting to realize my potential and seeing what could I do outside of the industry.

SW: You mentioned earlier that there were some people you either wanted to use their names, maybe because of legal reasons you didn’t. Was that because you wanted to tell your side of what happened in your life versus that they obviously are going to disagree with you?

MS: No. everything that I have said in the book is my side and my truth. I’m also intelligent enough to understand that other people’s perception of like their sides or version and then there’s what really happened and I think everybody’s opinion is valid and their perception and their identity and what happened is valid, but I still want to be able to tell my truth and my part of the story. It could be defaming some of their character, even though it’s the truth, it could harm their reputation. And I don’t want to do that. I’m not someone that kisses and tells in that sense. I’m not someone that will ever throw anybody under the bus, even though I do have some high profile stories. So it was a huge factor of learning how to balance, you know what can I say and where is that boundary for me? And I don’t ever want a single person on earth to think this could come out in a book. OR be like like how Taylor Swift will write a song about it. This is a different industry. This is a different world. These are people’s professional lives, families live. They have children, too. And just because they made a mistake then doesn’t mean maybe they haven’t learned from it now. So I’m giving a lot of people that opportunity to apologize or to say yes or no to the book and would you like me to use your name? Would you like me to you know just give a fake name? How should we go about this? Because this is a valid part of my story that I’d like to share. So I’ve been really open and honest with a lot of the people. There was some pretty shitty things that happened to me that people have actually really apologized for because they didn’t want their names slandered in the book. Even though it was the truth.

SW: When you left, before coming back, had you left with a good impression of the industry?

MS: It’s both. I think like any job in the world, there’s good days and there’s bad days and there’s good people and there’s bad people. Some days on set, we’re absolutely just freaking phenomenal, every day I shot for Penthouse or I shot for Kelly Holland. I actually had a really great day on set. I shot for Holly Randall, Lisa Boyle. They’re photographers that really take their craft seriously. And then I’ve shot for some of the Bang Bros, Reality Kings back in the day when I was really young and they were just kind of treating girls like objects, not to say that they’re not great companies now, or they have evolved because I don’t know. So it would be wrong of me to say that you know, I don’t have an opinion as of right now, but back then, I was young and I was kind of treated like an object. So knowing the difference now, there were good and bad days, but my overall take on the industry is still that it had a profound effect on my life, and ultimately has led me to here, which is where I’m meant to be. So I always try to take the positive out of every situation and even though there were some bad days, I had some amazing days working for kink and then I had some days that were really, really hard working for kink. I think a lot of people go polarity on it {the industry}, very black and white and it is really horrible or this industry is really great. But the truth is, everything is what you make of it and for me, it’s allowed me to have freedom with my time it allowed me to really provide a great life for my children, even on the darkest days, when I did fall to the ground in the shower and cry. I was able to pick myself up again the next day and realized that that was just a shitty person or a shitty day and tomorrow’s a new day and I can make that one better. So that’s how I feel we should all think about it, as everything is a job and we all have a chance to choose what we’re doing, how we’re doing it. And if you’re on set and you don’t feel comfortable doing something I do think more girls should start speaking up and changing you know what needs to be changed.

SW: How did you get in the business?

MS: My first scene was for amateur allure. Paul Pilcher. He had posted on, I can’t even remember what board it was because I was 18. It was so long ago, but it was more like for promotional modeling, brand ambassador stuff, and when I got there. It was more just to feel it out kind of situation. Honestly, he was a great guy, really sweet. It was very professional. Did I know what I was really getting myself into at 18. Your pre-frontal cortex isn’t even developed until your mid-20s. No, I really didn’t know at that time. But I knew I was going to make a few $1000 that day. I was 18. I had a baby. I was a single parent. I thought, you know what? Let’s give it a shot.What’s the worst thing that could happen? And that led me going you know to LA, getting signed by an agency and things kind of took off from there.

SW: Prior to doing it though, have you watched the Adult material?

MS: A little bit, but not a lot. I was still very sexually inexperienced, I knew at that time I was bisexual. I did know that because when I went to summer camp and had made out with girls in my teens. I had slept with. I was 16 and my ex-husband at the time was 21. He was my boss. He was the one that I got pregnant by and had all three of the first kids with.

SW: When you saw adult material, did the thought ever cross your mind that, I can do that?

NS: Yes, I think I always knew I was capable of anything that I put my mind to, but not in a narcissistic way, just in a, if I wanted to do it, I could do it kind of way. And I do feel like I am the kind of person that, when I do something, I want to do it to the best of my abilities, and I do want to be the best at it, not to be competitive, I truly want to be my best and I’m a perfectionist. So if I don’t feel like I did my very best at something, I beat myself up for it. I always just thought, if I’m going to dance, I want to dance until I drop dead, you know? Until I just can’t anymore. If I sing, I’m going to give it my all, if I act, I’m going to method act until they tell me that they’ve got to cut that they need. And with sex, it’s a performance. It’s an art form. It is about lighting and angles and makeup and words and there’s so much art involved in creating a masterpiece scene. And that’s why I love feature films and the real creatives in the industry, so much more than just, not that there isn’t a place for the Gonzo work, there is a huge market for it. But it’s just never been my artistic preference.

SW: In terms of adult work, are there differences between Madison Scott the character and you or are they pretty much the same thing?

MS: I would say Madison Scott was 100% a character. Crystal is not the same. Crystal is my name. I go by Chris to my Friends. I’m really kind of a shy person until you get to know me usually. It takes a minute for me to kind of share my stories and really let it out there unless I know I’m prepared to do an interview or I know what I’m getting myself into. But Madison is definitely a more promiscuous, fun, flirty kind of character that I’ve created as a method actress. And I continue evolving Madison into kind of a new, more intelligent Madison, but our Chris and Madison the same person? No, they’re not.

SW: You grew up in Arizona, correct?

MS: I did. Yeah.

SW: Did you go to public school, private school?

MS: I went to public school all the way through.

SW: In grade school, did you have a favorite subject?

MS: All of them. I was extremely gifted to the point where I was pulled out and was working like grades ahead and bused to the higher schools to do more honors and AP and gifted work. I was always was obsessed with outer space and science and my son now is top 1% gifted in space and science and he wants to become an aeronautical engineer. So he got that. My oldest daughter got the music creative side of me, my other daughter got, they each got a piece of me. So it’s really fascinating.

SW: In grade school, when you were young, did you have any idea what you want to do with the rest of your life?

MS:  So there were three things throughout school that I wanted to be. An astronaut, a surgeon and a singer. Those were the three things that in grade school, middle school, and high school, I had as job options.


SW: In high school, you were a popular girl. Were you a loaner? The nerd?

MS: I was a high school cheerleader. I was the flyer. I wouldn’t say I was the most popular girl in school, but I wasn’t on the other side either. I was sort of somewhere in the middle. I was the only girl on the team without a mom. And that was, I think, what really affected my time as a cheerleader was they all had like tea time with moms, shopping with moms, all of these experiences and cheer with their moms when their moms would show up and my mom and dad divorced when I was 5, so my mom wasn’t a part of my life. So I was the only girl on the team without a mom and it did really mentally affect me, and that is in the book because I loved cheer-leading. I was really good at cheer-leading. I actually became a national UCA all-star cheerleader in 2002 in high school at UC Santa Barbara and I just loved it. I do feel like if I would have had a mom, I probably would have continued on with it. So freshman year, I did it in high school and then sophomore year I kind of went goth, emo, died in my blond hair black and switched schools because I didn’t try out for cheer and I was really just beating myself up about it, got kicked out of my house, my dad had married a new person and we didn’t get along and I got home one day from school and she had changed the lock. So I pretty much was on my own. I ended up in a state group home and I was the only person in the group home allowed to leave to go to school because I always prioritized my education. I always advocated for myself. I graduated high school on time with a child. So I made it work. It wasn’t an easy life, but I now own a beautiful home and have amazing kids and drive good cars and have great degrees and have lived a long, full life and it shows that when where there’s a will, there’s a way. When you’re motivated enough and you keep pursuing and you know, wanting, you see the goal in front of you and you keep working towards it, anything really is possible.

SW: I’m sorry to hear about your parents, divorcing and so forth. But did that affect you when you got pregnant the first time, did you make a determination at that point that I’m going to be a better mom?

MS: Yes. It did affect me because I was not living at home, I actually had just gotten out of the group home shelter at 16, and I was staying with my aunt and uncle, I was working at Pacific Sun Wear at Chandler, mall, and he, the guy, his name was Bryce. He was 21, and I was 16. And, you know, he taught me to put the ladder up and he would look up my skirt. But he was dating someone his own age. And then, it was February, like Valentine’s Day 2005. I was 16, and he brought me, I love you, balloons, to the apartment I was staying at the time, kind of living on my own in my aunt and uncle’s house, but still you know I had a little van. I was going to school. I was actually dual enrolled so I was going to community college, high school, and working three jobs. I was living as an adult at a very young age. And so a week later, on February 21st was the first time I had sex with him, and then our daughter, Cadence, was born November 16th of that year, 2005. So it would happen very fast. And I just had to grow up. It forced me to make a decision. And there were a lot of people pressuring me, obviously, at that time, to have an abortion. And it was never an option for me. I fully support prochoice, but for me, it wasn’t a choice I was willing to personally make. And I just knew in my heart that I was willing to go through whatever the future would hold, and whatever sacrifices I would have to make to raise her, and love her, and be the best mom that I could be.

SW: But my question is, when she’s born, do you make a conscious effort of, “I didn’t have a mom, I’m going to make sure I’m always going to be there, is that something right away or was it something that kind of developed over time.

MS: I think I always knew that I wanted to be, a great exceptional mom because I didn’t have a mom growing up at all. I didn’t have my biological mom or my stepmom, both of my mom and my stepmom were inpatient psych for suicidal attempts at the same exact time actually when I was younger. So for me, I definitely wanted to be the opposite of them. I was striving so hard to just want to give them a good life, but there was a time where I felt overwhelmed as a single parent of three, I didn’t have a mom and I didn’t really know how to be a mom. You have to figure it out on your own along the way, right? There’s no manual to this. And I do think the industry played a part in the negativity that kind of seeped into my head, because I felt like a good mom, until there were people in the industry that were like, you can’t be a porn star and a good mom. Like your kids should get taken away from you. And all of those kind of things. And that did start to seep into my mind. And that was difficult, but getting off of social media for 8 years really was so good for my mental health because it allowed me to raise my kids away from the spotlight. And really see that I was an exceptional mom the entire time. I never should have even thought those things, and the sacrifices that I made for my kids were well worth it. And they know it was well worth it. They tell me every day how much they love me and how grateful they are for their life. And things that we have, not that material things even matter because we can’t take them with us when we die. But I am very grateful for what I’ve earned and attained at this point in my life.

Sw: From my perspective, do you understand how incredibly amazing it is that you were 18, you got you into the adult business, you raised a child on your own, and did all that stuff on your own, do you know how impossible that is. Forget the negative things you got in the business. That’s insane.


MS: Thank you. I really appreciate it. I look back and yeah, I don’t know anyone else that has shared the same story as me. I don’t think any of us ever have the exact same story, but it is nice to see that there are people that are finally recognizing just the sheer amount of hard work that I put in because it was extremely hard work. Between the adult industry, between school between breast cancer, between not having a family, all of it you know. My ex-husband actually tried to kill the kids and I,that was tough. He lost all of his parental rights. It’s been a hard road. And I survived. I made it. And now I have an opportunity to go even further than I ever thought possible. And I’m really, really excited about what that potential future looks like.


SW: Were you bullied in high school? You mentioned you’re not so popular,

MS: I don’t think I was really bullied in high school. I was pretty well liked. I was always a very compassionate, empathetic humble person, I was a member, an ally, I was a national honor society and national Spanish honor society and was very well liked by my teachers. I actually am still very good friends with all of my teachers from junior high and high school. We’re all still Facebook friends. I actually did a documentary on the Apollo space missions, when I was in 7th grade and it won at the school, the state and the regional level. And I actually went to Washington, D.C. at like 12, 13 years old, with my national junior honor society teacher and my social studies teacher who were married. And I babysat their infant, who’s now going to grad school and their youngest son is going to college with my oldest daughter this year and they’re probably going to be in school plays together at their university. So it’s just fascinating. I’ve maintained relationships. I mean, my teachers were my parents. My teachers were the people that I looked up to. They were my mentors. They were my friends. And now I can say they’re exceptionally best Friends. And many of them keep in contact with me all the time. And ask how I’m doing, and we visit. I’m really looking forward to seeing my social studies teacher in my national junior honor society teacher here soon, as we take our kids up to university in a week,

SW: I think the first time you had sex. you had a child, you had sex again, and had more children. Were you sexually active at all in between that time and getting in the adult business?

MS: Pretty much. I was sexually assaulted as a child. Quite a few times throughout my childhood. And it did take a profound effect on me, that is in the book. My mom and dad split when I was 5, my mom was a crystal meth head. My name is Crystal, so you can do the math on that. She likes to say that’s not why she named me that, that it was because I was a gem, but she’s still doing it to this day and lives in a trailer park in Kingman. She had two kids after me and I felt like I sort of had to help raise my brother and sister. because my dad started an insurance company and he basically was  married to his career for a really long time. And so we ended up with a nanny that had two boys, that  molested my sister and I, and nobody really cared. Thru out my life there were just multiple times that people would take advantage and it just felt like nobody really gave a shit, so I did kind of always feel like my body was meant to be used, and it was just an object and I didn’t really have autonomy over it from the beginning. So coming back now with all of this wisdom, knowing that I have a choice with everything that I do, it’s a massive change and shift in mentality because even when I was in the industry before, an agent would give me a scene and I’d be like, okay this is my job for the day. This is what I’m going to do to make money and now, I’m like, if I don’t want to do something, I’m just not going to do it. It’s just as simple as that, but when you’re brought up a certain way to think that, you know, your objectified so much that it becomes natural, and your abused so much that it becomes a part of you, you don’t know any better until you know better.

SW: So when you start doing the adult industry, do you know what, something like a blow job is? Do you know what anal sex is?

MS: So my first major girl/girl sex scene was with Sophia something. It was for like, IloveyouMadison. Com. Easton was the director and it was a girl girl anal scene, I also worked with Melanie and there was, I remember like bits and pieces of it, were all shot in Scottsdale. I was 18, before my boob job, but I mean I had made out with girls. I knew I was attracted to girls. I was always attracted to my female teachers from the time I was probably in like, first, second grade. So that wasn’t shocking to me, but the actual act, my very first girl girl scene was an anal scene and nobody had taught me like, how to prepare, or you know, you don’t know anything. And so I was really, really lucky that I got girls that were kind of a little more veteran and they were able to kind of help, show me the ropes a little bit and then, I in turn, was able to return the favor to many girls over the years. But as far as boy girl scenes, because of that short term relationship with my daughter’s father, I did know what a lot of it {sex stuff} was and I knew how to do it. So it was pretty natural for me. But even from the beginning, I always looked at it as a job. I never looked at it as like, oh this sucks or anything, I was always just very financially driven. That’s what drove me, I got high off the money, not off the scene or the fame. So for me, it was like, what you got today? What can I do? What can I get paid for? What do I need to take care of? I have a daughter. I didn’t want to live off government assistance. So for me, I watched many of my other girlfriends that were teen moms, and they really struggled, but they also had family members to support them and I didn’t.

So I just made the decision to do it myself. I think Taylor Swift’s song “You’re on your own Kid” really applies to my life and I was lucky enough to go to her first two shows here, in Arizona with my daughter and it was just fabulous.

SW: When you blew up in porn, did you think it was because you were this cute little blond that was doing all these dirty things? Did you have any idea what that was? Fame?

MS: I honestly didn’t know or care really much at the time. I just was doing a job and the fact that people took that so well to it to this day still blows my mind. I think at the time, I was doing interviews, I had a little bit of an ego, people were filling my head with that ego, but now that I’ve almost died, I have this whole new lease on life and I’m just so much more humble and I truly believe humility is one of the sexiest things you can have beyond intelligence, so I look back and I’m just grateful for the fans that I do have and that have stuck by me and are retweeting stuff, knowing that I’m coming back and just the sweet comments that I’m getting. I didn’t know what to expect, but I wasn’t expecting it to be so fast and so kind and so amazing. I really, you know the industry always does kind of get a bad rap, I don’t feel like that’s happening to me at all. I feel like there’s a tide turning and I think between Barbie and Taylor Swift, women taking over, this is almost the perfect time for me to come back and be able to do adult and mainstream and any creative project that I want to do and own my IP and I think people are hopefully going to stand behind that.

SW: When you come back was, there any first couple of things you saw that surprised you, like how much the business had changed in 8 years?

MS: I’m actually grateful because back in the day I did 14 day testing and now that’s the norm is 14 day testing Back then it was 30 days and I always thought that was crazy personally because you could catch anything in that 30 day times span. But you’re a lot less likely in a one to two week and I was always and I wanted immediate test kind of girl. My health was always important to me because I was a mom, so I’m grateful that COVID kind of caused testing to be, faster and you have to have a current brand new test to shoot and I think that’s really vital. So I’m grateful for that. I don’t know as far as some of the financials and what girls and guys are making these days, I honestly don’t know and I honestly really don’t care because I know my value is. I get to pick what I accept and won’t accept so if people are coming to me with what other girls are accepting saying oh you’re a bitch for not accepting this, no, this is my right as a human being to say no. I don’t want to do this, I’m not willing to take that rate. I don’t know what the current rates are. I know that times have changed, I have talked to some of the agents. I have not signed with an agent because I plan on signing with a mainstream agent, not an adult. I am looking at literary agents. I have a few in mind. I did sign with Brian Gross for PR. He’s been wonderful. He actually went to the same university that my daughter is going to on the same vocal performance scholarship that my daughter has. We both have a lot in common with Star Wars and tech and psychedelics and it just was a really perfect fit for me PR wise.


SW: Coming back to Adult, are you doing it strictly in terms of working for adult companies? Are you just doing Onlyfans?

MS: I’m in talks with some people. It’s just talks right now. I haven’t made any commitments to anything. Basically, I’m an actress, so it’s strictly financial at this point. Whoever gives me the best offer, and I feel like is going to portray me and my reputation in the best light is who I’m going to take a contract with. I won’t just be shooting Gonzo scenes for anybody. I own a house. I have everything I could ever need already. So this isn’t about immediate funds. I don’t need the money. This is about a long-term play. And me being able to choose my creative projects, and kind of like how Taylor Swift rerecorded all of her albums. I felt like I was really young and dumb and I just took the money you know. Back then,  I wasn’t really as intelligent as I am now with what I’m doing creatively and I want to own all of my own IP’s.

SW: Then do you have an Onlyfans?

MS: I do, yes. It’s theMadisonScott and I’ve only had it live for two days. And it’s going, haywire. So it’s been amazing. I’ve not had nobody be negative on it because I just started Instagram, Twitter, and OnlyFans this week. And I’ve had not one negative comment, not one troll. I mean, it has been so fabulous. Everybody’s been so amazing. I think there’s a lot of people that are shocked because, I’m posting photos of my children. I’m posting my whole life. I’m just being really authentic. And it’s been going really well so far. It’s been really fun to just talk with people and get to know what they’ve been up to the past few years because a lot of them I talked to often in the past. I’ve always just been a pretty open book and it’s really cool like, Shawna Lene who’s now I think Shawna Scott, shows up in a lot of it. We actually lived together back in the day and worked together a lot, and we still support each other. So it’s been really nice to reconnect with her and we plan on doing some social media collaboration soon. It’s just been a lot of fun and just in a matter of a week. So many people have reached out and are like, let’s do this. Let’s do that, and it’s just fun. It’s so much more fun than working a corporate boring day job.

SW: The smile on your face lights up, you seem genuinely surprised. Why would you be surprised?

MS: Yes, because for 8 years, I got off of social media and you hear all these stories about trolls and just like negative people. So I had just had no idea what to expect. I legitimately just focused on my kids and school and my academic pursuits and my research and my jobs and that was my whole world. So I didn’t even really take stock in social media that much. I actually have not slept with a guy since 2015. And it’s 2023. So 8 years, I haven’t slept with a guy. So it’s pretty fascinating to make this decision because I made it very deliberately, knowing that this could propel me into what my real sole purpose is, and actually get me in front of the producers and directors and literary agents that can finally see what I’m truly capable of.

SW: Do you think your fans have wanted new material from you for 8 years? Do you think you’ve built that demand?

MS: I didn’t know what they would want from me coming back. A lot of people have said they want new scenes with me and Johnny Sins and Kieran Lee. Those are the two guys, which makes sense. Kieran and I have already been talking on social media and have sent pictures back you know. I love his wife. And he’s got a great family. It’s an easy, professional pairing. It makes total sense. And there is definitely a potential with Johnny and I. we ‘re all veterans. So we’ve all worked together. We’re all professional. So yeah, I know what everybody’s wanting. What I’m willing to deliver is pretty much going to depend on studio finances, contracts, negotiations at that point. And then, there’s Onlyfans, I’m kind of doing a little bit of lifestyle, a little bit of fitness, solo girl, girl collab, and then in terms of boy girl, it’s really going to be working with a lot of the veterans that I know.


SW: When you do shooting your Onlyfans stuff, are you looking at that being like Digital Playground, perfect makeup, ridiculously beautiful, or is it more like gonzo stuff,

MS: I’m doing both. So I love the ethereal high end professional look. That’s my own artistic style. But I also get into moods where I want to do certain dark stuff or change the lighting and do some really cool script. I just am one of those creatives where you know, I’ll have just a random idea in the middle of the night and I’ll get into my phone and speak it or I’ll write something down. So I actually have a bunch of full scripts with who I want to work with, what I want to do, what their rates are like. I’m kind of ready to go. And I have probably a hundred photo sets and scenes ready for OnlyFans already. I’m just kind of shooting stuff within my house and lifestyle stuff right now. And then I’m actually going to film the surgery on September 19th. I don’t know how much of it we’re going to get to the film. It’s going to depend on the doctor and the day. And the surgery center and everything, I actually vlogged my rhinoplasty and my under eye blepharoplasty. I’m really trying to be honest because there’s so many models that are like, oh, I’m so natural. I’ve never had anything done. I have four kids. I needed it. I needed a little pick me up to come back. I knew I had a little bit of it that wasn’t bad, but from 18 to 35, like underneath my eyes, got a little bit hollow. And my nose was a little bit wider than I would have wanted coming back because I do want to do a lot of mainstream and transition into mainstream.

SW: Do you think when you were in the business before versus now mainstream people have changed their perspectives about people crossing over now?

MS: Back in the day, when I would party with all the mainstream people, they were fascinated by me, I wasn’t them like back in the day. So I don’t know how that’s going to be. I mean, I think it’s different when you’re in a personal party setting with them and they’re just like coming up to you with questions and they’re really fascinated by you, versus the public perception they’re willing to put out with you. Behind the scenes, they’re willing to be my best friend, but their PR person might be like, we can’t really you know, publicly associate with this person. Do I think the tides are turning in that 100%? I think there are a lot of A list actors that have adult movies that have been hidden. You look at Kim Kardashian, Paris Hilton, they’ve been able to maintain their notoriety despite having sex scenes that are out there. And I don’t see why I should be any different. I’m gorgeous, intelligent, a mom. I’m capable of anything that I put my mind to. I’m creative. I’m entrepreneurial and if I want to do something in the mainstream world or a lifestyle or makeup or whatever it is in my future that I want to do, I just don’t see there being any barriers or people that put barriers in my way. That’s just not the door for me you know. There’s going to be someone else that will open a door or that will be the right fit or a better collaboration and I think my reputation and my loyalty and my humility is going to speak for itself. I think my past alone has already shown that, but I think moving forward, it’s also going to continue to show that they can trust me and I’m also doing the work to take the acting intensive courses and really prove myself to the producers and directors. The dream would be to have a Jennifer Garner Alias role, a series where I could actually do my own stunts, I speak multiple languages, tumble it would be really fun and fascinating for me to actually be able to take on a character like that.

SW: With all the different platforms in today’s world, have you given a thought to even doing that stuff yourself, producing a whole series mainstream, that has an adult version? MS: I just registered Rise and Shine So I have my own production studio now. There’s only so much time in a day. So right now I’m like, this is my first week. So I’m just starting slow and getting back on social media, learning the platforms, having my kids help me learn how to edit for the platforms. My master’s is in user experience. So I’m well aware of how to do research., I built that all on my own. I’m editing it all on my own. There’s no one helping me at all. I have nobody other than a PR person. It’s just all me, real me. So I think that’s the difference. I think between me and a lot of the girls, I’m actually personally interacting with my fans. That’s not something that I’m ever going to stop. I think it’s really important. It’s something that Taylor Swift has really taught me, being a Swiftie is, the one thing that will keep you alive is the love of your fans and the love of your job. And I really am grateful for the opportunity to have this job and to be in this position and I’ll never ever throw adult under the bus because it gave me a platform that is so large and be able to allow me to do anything that I want in the world.

And for that, all I can say is thank you to my fans.

SW: Your book, do you already have a publisher?

MS: It’s being edited right now, we’ve got a couple of publishers. I’m really hoping for Simon and Schuster, they’re like the ultimate dream. I’m in contact with a couple of different people and a lot of authors that have been published with them. But I haven’t decided or signed a contract with anyone yet. So if there is a literary agent or a publisher that’s listening, that’s interested. I’m still taking offers.

{Back to discussing Onlyfans quickly}

MS: Some of it {saved content} is with Jessica Jaymes, she was actually one of my best Friends, personally, in the industry. So when she passed away a few years ago, that hit me really, really hard because I have a lot of content of her and I have not released that I don’t know if I will ever release because she passed away. With a lot of other people in the industry, I felt she was the party friend and with me, she would come over, hang out with my kids, watch movies, she was there when I needed a shoulder to cry on. So it was a really big personal loss. I remember one time we were shooting a scene and I was like, slap me across the face and she was like, stop the scene. She was like,” I’m never going to hit you. I love you.” And we just had such a beautiful friendship. And it’s rare that you find real friendships like that in this industry.

SW: Will you maybe only doing some stuff for your Onlyfans, things that you won’t do for companies?

MS: Absolutely. I mean, that’s just the smart business play is to have exclusive content for yourself. So yeah, I mean, in terms of if someone offered me a contract, it’s all going to come down to negotiations and you know, money talks. So we’ll see what ends up happening. I’m just an actress, and I think of this as a job. When I show up to set, I’m a professional and on time, I expect the same from the people that I work with.

SW: Some girls are doing double anal the first week in the business now, the people today are told, well, if you don’t do double anal all the first week in the business, or the second week in the business, well, you’re not going to become popular. And if you don’t become popular, well, then you’re not going to be an influencer, would that surprise you?

MS: Wow. That is really genuinely shocking to me. I do think there needs to be more education to the women themselves about their self-confidence and their value because rates are only going to go up if every woman demands it. I get the whole economy part of it. But women also need to really truly learn to value themselves if they want that longevity in the business. You have to have self confidence. You have to turn down stuff that you don’t want to do. And I’m guessing the majority of the women that are doing that are doing it because they need the money. I’m in a grateful position where my degrees gave me a corporate job that gave me a 401 k that helped me buy a house and nice cars and pad my savings account enough to where I have plenty of time to spare to wait for the right amount to come in. I think a lot of it is they probably need the money and that makes me really sad.

MS:{with regards to being an influencer} You have to be an expert in a field, whether that’s fitness, whether that’s lifestyle. For me, I’m an expert in user experience. That’s what my master’s degree is in. I also can talk law. I can talk politics. I can talk government relations. I can talk tech, generative AI, VR, AR. I can talk LIDAR technology. I mean, you name it. I can talk about it. But it took a long time to learn all of those skills. And a lot of these girls, they don’t have the education or the wisdom to be able to become an influencer because they’re not an expert in any of those fields.

My contract. I ended at $5000 for a boy girl scene, which at the time back then was a lot. And I knew that I was one of the top paid girls, but I only had to work two days a month. So I made ten grand a month. I worked two days, shot two boy girl scenes, and I had the rest of the time to just spend with my kids. At the time, that was good enough for me. Now, I just made $10,000 a month at my corporate job. So for me, this is a long-term play, Subscription models and creative pursuits and brand partnerships.

SW: Last thing, looking back at your whole crazy, amazing, insane journey, or story thus far, is there’s one part of this that genuinely surprises you, like your amazed you’ve survived it. You  became a better person because of it?

MS: When I was about 20 years old, I tried to commit suicide. And I would have succeeded, had my next door neighbor not called 9-1-1. I was legally pronounced dead for 5 minutes at Chandler Regional Hospital. I took 52 pills and they had to paddle me. They’d given up on me. I have no idea how I came back, why I came back, other than there must have been a reason for me to be here. I was escorting. I was young. I was in the industry. I got stiffed for $70,000. It was a really tough, dark period of my life. I would say that’s one. And then the other one was, I was escorting in Chicago. It was one of, towards the end. I was almost killed. I woke up the next morning, and I was lucky to be alive and it was a pretty horrific experience that I survived. So I would say those are two things that definitely hardened me, but they also showed me just how tough I am. My dad, that was one thing my dad did do, even though we don’t have a relationship, he really did show me how tough I am and that I’m capable of doing anything on my own.

SW: What are your socials, Twitter and Instagram?

MS: My Twitter @xomadisonscott, Instagram@themadisonscott, website: ,tik tok: and Onlyfans is:


SW: Anything you want to say to all of your fans?

MS: Just thank you. Thank you for watching me all these years growing up with me on camera since I was 18 years old. The good, the bad, the ugly,  without the implants, with the implants, the whole process. Thank you for sticking by me. I hope you will continue to follow my journey moving forward. I’m really looking forward to hearing from you, the kind of content that you want to see from me, and hope that you will be respectful and kind to me as I post content of me, my family, my children, and just let me know what you want to see ,hopefully   I will continue to give you the entertainment and the joy that you deserve. I hope that you all are doing well. And survived the pandemic and all the craziness that has happened over the past few years. And I love you. So thank you so much for this opportunity to continue to grow my career.

Thank you Madison, please buy her book when it comes out




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