Visual Vengeance, a Blu-ray label dedicated to vintage ‘Shot on Video’ and microbudget genre independents from the 1980s though 2000s, reveals its next Blu-ray collector’s edition release for November 2023:

The lost Linnea Quigley movie SCREAM QUEEN (2002)
SYNOPSIS: Considered a ‘lost’ Linnea Quigley movie, Scream Queen now enjoys it first ever wide release on home video.
Horror star Malicia Tombs (Linnea Quigley) mysteriously dies after leaving the set of her latest, now unfinished, low budget Shot-on-video shocker. Soon, an unseen masked killer is chopping and hacking his/ her way through the cast and crew as punishment for Tomb’s death – leaving a bloody trail of revenge.
This super obscurity was shot in 1998 by indie horror stalwart Brad Sykes, and finally finished in 2002. Considered a ‘lost’ Linnea Quigley movie, Scream Queen is not only a solid 1990s Shot-on-Video slasher that borrows from the Italian Giallo sub-genre, but also takes swift jabs at the US independent horror movie scene of the time.
Blu-ray Street Date: November 28, 2023
Info and Select Bonus Features:
- All region Blu-ray
- New director-approved 480p SD master presented on Blu-ray from original tape elements
- Commentary with Writer / Director Brad Sykes
- Once Upon A Time In Horrorwood: Behind the Scenes Documentary
- Second Feature: Original Producer’s Cut of Movie
- New Linnea Quigley Interview
- Editor Mark Polonia Interview
- Behind The Scenes Image Gallery
- Linnea Quigley Image Gallery
- Original Script Selects
- Original Trailer
- Visual Vengeance Trailers
- Six-page liner notes by Tony Strauss of Weng’s Chop Magazine
- Limited Edition slipcase by Rick Melton – FIRST PRESSING ONLY
- Limited Edition ‘Series 2’ Video Store Rental Card – FIRST PRESSING ONLY
- Collectible Linnea Quigley folded mini-poster
- ‘Stick your own’ VHS sticker set
- Reversible sleeve featuring original home video art
- Optional English subtitles
For more details on the label and updates on new releases – as well as news about upcoming releases – follow Visual Vengeance on social media:
TWITTER: @VisualVenVideo
INSTAGRAM: Visualvenvideo

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