Sizzling model/Penthouse Pet Renee Olstead sits down with the Emmreport

January 2023 Penthouse Pet Renee Olstead is currently in the running for 2024 Penthouse Pet of the Year, fans can cast their ballots every three days at: She also writes tantalizing first-person features as a Penthouse contributor, and be sure to check out her official Penthouse model page.

While turning heads with her sizzling Penthouse layout, her mainstream resume is even more impressive, having dabbled in every aspect of the Entertainment industry, from releasing 5 albums, documentaries and sitting down with Oprah Winfrey, she is busier today than ever. Learn more about Renee Olstead at, follow on Twitter/X @Renee_Olstead, instagram@xorenee/ and

SW: Sherman Wayze

RO: Renee Olstead

SW: is there a specific link people need to go through a website to vote?

RO:  Yes. I think the link will change when we move from preliminary voting to finals voting.

SW: You have a ridiculous mainstream resume, how did the Penthouse Pet gig come up?

RO: So I moved into sort of the adult side of the industry from mainstream and around 2020 and I managed to shoot for some really amazing photographer friends that connected me with Playboy Plus. I shot a campaign for Hustler Hollywood, Honey Burdette and I guess that’s how  I ended up on Penthouse’s radar. They messaged me on Instagram, and I immediately was suspicious. I was like, this has to be an imposter. But when I clicked their profile, it was actually Penthouse. And I was, yeah, I was overjoyed. I actually wrote them a letter that started with, “Dear Penthouse, I never thought this would happen to me, etc”. I consider myself a bit of a smut collector. I have a pretty big collection of different memorabilia, different magazines, mostly 60s to 80s.I was very excited.

SW: When you saw the smut material, did whatever cross your mind that, I could do that?

RO:  I always sort of looked at all of the models through this like, they always seem larger than life to me. You know, especially when you’re talking about a lot of the photography that Gucci brought to Penthouse, you’ve got like these very ethereal images. It’s like, how are these people real? So it wasn’t something that I ever felt like, I’m five two. I’m not gonna end up with like a big modeling agency. I’m not a Wilhelmina model. So yeah, it just, it kind of wasn’t on my radar as a possibility. And hearing that they were interested in having me potentially be in the magazine, I jumped at the chance. I started with OnlyFans, and again, I have some really talented friends, like my friend Madeline Northway, for example. She shoots for Playboy. I’m not sure if she was the one that helped get me on their radar. But yeah, I just got really lucky, and I think people could see my enthusiasm and how excited I was. Can I tell you about when I auditioned for Penthouse?

SW: Sure

RO: Sorry, when I did my screen test. So it was all on Zoom. I met with Moose and Sam and the creative director. I came in with basically a presentation, storyboard of my dream shoot. I had the three different looks laid out of where I would imagine the locations and what I would imagine the wardrobe looking like and the styling. I was just so excited and a little dorky, but I guess they found it endearing. So they asked me to shoot and I screamed and jumped up and down and all of the things that you imagine when something like that happens.

SW: You’ve done a ton of mainstream stuff. When you got into adult, was it as organized as much as some mainstream stuff you’ve done? Less? Was it what you expected?

RO: Well, I don’t shoot with studios, I just shoot myself, and because a big part of my work is stuff that I’ve filmed, edited myself, I derive a lot of joy from creating a fantasy. So that has been the bulk of my experience, but every once in a while I get to do a shoot for Penthouse, and Penthouse was such an amazing shoot. I was so comfortable, I was so well taken care of. Anytime you’re done shooting a setup, they have a robe ready for you. It’s all like super professional, there’s good catering. It was very legit. I, that was a really special day for me. And they ended up canceling the mansion that they originally had booked and giving me my dream shoot. It was pretty unreal. I wanted to do sort of an outlaw cowgirl, bad girl sort of vibe. And yeah, they made it happen. It was truly a dream come true. And just working with that team has been incredible. I’ve kind of expanded some of my involvement into also writing, which has been really exciting for me. I’m pretty passionate around sex work advocacy, advocating for the sex worker community. They’ve allowed me a platform to write pieces kind of speaking to some of our needs, helping kind of unpack some of the discrepancies that the reading audience might have about things like the conflation of human trafficking or sex trafficking and sex work, letting them know what we’re actually dealing with,  like doxing, banking discrimination, kind of putting that on their radar. So it’s been really amazing to work with them.

SW: Can you tell me about your OnlyFans?

RO: Yes, my handle is XORenee, just like my Instagram. I started in 2020. It was a dream of mine. I’d gone through a breakup, but I was like, I want to be doing this. And there was some issues with my partner,he would not have been okay with that. So it was really an opportunity to remake my life the way I wanted it to be and to do all of the things that I wanted to. I was always kind of imagining myself in that space.

SW:  When you start OnlyFans, are you strictly doing solo material?

RO: I do nude and sexy stuff  and I do collabs with other female creators. I haven’t done a boy-girl collab, but it’s been a lot of fun and I get to kind of explore my boundaries and see what feels good. That’s something that’s important to me, that is that everything I make is something that I’m comfortable with, that I enjoyed, that I had fun doing. I have so many amazing fans that I’ve had a chance to get to know on there and yeah, and the people that I’ve met and  collabed with have been amazing too. I love meeting other people in this industry. Many of my closest friends, I would say the majority of my friends are sex workers.

SW: For you, what is good content? Is good content perfectly lit? Is good content spontaneous? Is it?

RO: I think it’s a mix. I lean heavier on kind of creating fantasy. So I really enjoy getting cool shots and making edits that, feel like kind of cinematic. It’s important to me if I’m making a video that there are no big dead spaces where the person watching is like, did she leave the room? What’s going on? I want every shot to be really sexy and exciting. And, you know, it feels a bit like a creative endeavor and I think that you know most things that are erotic by default are creative if that makes sense.

SW: And to be successful on a platform like OnlyFans, is it more about personality or the people want you to get down and dirty?

RO: You know what? I’m, I’m going to say that I think it’s more about personality and the relationship between myself and my fans because ultimately there are a million places that people could go for, for free porn.I think that they continue to come back because there’s something about you, something about the way that you make them feel, the relationship that’s been established, getting to know you, having a chance to kind of peek behind the curtain. I think that that adds to it. Otherwise, there’s plenty of beautiful girls online that you can see on Pornhub.

SW: Your fan base, do they have a particular style of content they prefer, like the POV stuff, the glam stuff and so forth.

RO: People really appreciate when I do a big professional shoot. So when I do something like Penthouse specifically, I think people get really excited because they’re also excited for me and they know how bad I’ve wanted something like this. But I also feel like if I’m just doing professional shoots, shooting with a photographer, that isn’t as much of an event. Those don’t typically sell as well as when I’m just shooting stuff in my house that feels real and kind of gives people a peek into what my life looks like, stuff that I shot on my phone, stuff that it feels like their girlfriend could have sent them. I feel like there’s something about that that resonates.

Please vote for Renee:

Learn more about Renee Olstead at, follow on Twitter/X @Renee_Olstead, instagram@xorenee/ and

Thank you Renee



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