Come Party with a Purr-pose at the Biggest Charity Event of the Season
(Hollywood, CA) The 11th Annual VICE IS NICE Event is happening on Saturday, July 22nd, in Chatsworth, CA. VICE IS NICE, hosted by Kelly Holland and The Animal Rescue Alliance, raises money (and awareness) for pets and their people. The event will feature a celebrity poker tournament and Monte Carlo night, raffles, the hottest DJ in town, dancing, Erica McClean reading your tarot cards, Magic from Magician Kevin, fresh vegetarian food from Chef Maria, four hosted bars, red carpet photos, raffle, much more!

VICE IS NICE is taking place at 10945 Old Santa Susana Pass Road in Chatsworth, California. For those who drive, a shuttle service will drop guests at the front gate. Taking Uber or Lyft is encouraged, and attendees who do will be rewarded with a free drink. The event starts at 6:30pm and goes until midnight.
General Admission Pre-Registration $35, plus you get 20 free raffle tickets. Day of the event, General Admission is $45. The poker tournament starts at 8pm sharp. Pre-register for $75 and get 500 free poker chips or pay $85 at the door. The top 10 poker spots get prizes. General admission is included when registering for the poker tournament. All donations are tax-deductible.
“This is the event of the summer, and you don’t want to miss it! It’s a great cause and a very fun evening that’s always well attended by the industry and mainstream,” says VICE IS NICE host and The Animal Rescue Alliance founder Kelly Holland.
To attend VICE IS NICE, register for the poker tournament, become a sponsor, and donate, visit .
If you can’t come to VICE IS NICE, be part of the fun by watching their live stream on TikTok at @TheAnimalRescueAlliance from 8pm to 11pm.
Find out more about The Animal Rescue Alliance at