Probably the Biggest surprise so far in 2024 is Selina Imai. This interview came together so fast we honestly didn’t know what to expect. What we got was a lady who is wise well beyond her years, in the industry for the right reasons { having a good work ethic, a good attitude and actually enjoying what you are doing} shows in the upward trajectory of her unexpected career. Big things really do come in small packages.

Please check out all her platforms:
To book Selina Imai for upcoming productions:
Interview: Sherman Way
Editor: Ralph Greco Jr
Selina Imai
SW: Sherman
SI: Selina Imai
SW: You’ve been in the business since December, correct?
SI: Yeah. so far I’ve been pretty booked up. I’m actually pretty excited. I’ve had a lot of good opportunities so far.
SW: You sound surprised. Why would you be surprised?
SI: I don’t know. I didn’t know a whole lot about the industry when I joined, so I wasn’t sure what it would be like. That people would like my look and stuff . So it’s been nice so far.
SW: You started in web camming, right?
SI: I started on Chatterbate last It’s funny because I didn’t really get fired, but I kind of had to quit at Walmart and I couldn’t get hired anywhere, so I just decided to try camming and I actually liked it.
SW: Why did you get fired at Walmart?
SI: I just had some disagreements with my manager and stuff like that, so it was just a good time to leave.
SW: Had you seen adult material before that?
SI: Honestly, not really. I didn’t really watch anything like that. I didn’t really know a whole lot about it, but I just figured it was something I could try, you know, cause it was the summer. I didn’t have school at the time and I figured I would try it.
SW: Did you have a friend or somebody who was already doing it and maybe suggested that you try it out?
SI: Not really. Chatterbate was the only site that I knew about. Honestly, I thought it was fake.
SW: But going into it, your first show, were you terrified? Were you nervous? Were you excited?
SI: I was pretty excited. I thought it was a fake website. I went on there and I was like, yo, this is fake. And then people started telling me no, this is actually live and real and stuff. I was like, oh, cool. I just immediately got along with the people on there. Then as time went by, I got more adjusted to my show style. I actually made a lot of friends on there and I thought it was really fun.
SW: I’m guessing you do solo shows, but do you remember the first time a man took his thing out? Did that surprise you? Did that shock you?
SI: I was a little surprised, you know, especially cause I’m not someone that watches porn. So obviously my first time seeing that stuff was a little shocking, but you kind of get used to it.
SW: And when you start camming, how long does it take you to pick it up? Were you’re comfortable with it right away or are you comfortable with it now?
SI: It depends on the vibe of the show. I like to talk to my viewers a lot, interact with them, and know how they’re doing. I kind of just run the show however I see fit for that day. I’m pretty comfortable in there now and know the drill.
SW: What is a good cam show?
SI: A good show for me is kind of starting out slow and just seeing how everyone’s doing and all that. Then just having somebody tip. Not everybody will tip obviously, there could be thousands of people in my room before, that’s where the vibe is good. Everyone’s getting along, no fighting. Then good tips are coming in. I’ve had shows with a lot of good tippers and then everyone’s happy and stuff. So it’s just a good environment, that’s my ideal show.
SW :What is your Onlyfans,
SI: @Malicious_kitty.
SW: How do you make the transition into mainstream Adult?
SI: It was just a goal of mine. I started when I was 18 and I just wanted to start and I kindof just jumped into it. I figured I would try it while I’m young and have the opportunity to do it.
SW: Did you do Boy Girl in your first mainstream adult movie? What was that like for you?
SI: My first scene, I was really scared actually, it was just really intimidating. But everyone around me was really nice and tried to make me as comfortable as possible. Being this my first video and I had only really did solos at that point, plus I wasn’t really too sexually active in my personal life. So I only had a little bit of experience. I got through it and I actually, liked the experience at the end of the day.
SW: Were you intimidated by having sex with someone you didn’t know? Were you intimidated there were people there?
SI: Just everything, to be honest, it’s on camera and stuff. It had been a long time be on camera it was just a new experience.
SW: Was that the first time you had professional nude photos of yourself done?
SI: Yes.
SW: Your reaction the first time you saw professional nudes of yourself.
SI: It was just weird seeing myself from a different perspective and someone else taking the pictures, because I had only done my own stuff from my own angles and my own lighting and makeup and everything. So it was definitely weird seeing it.
SW: You do the first scene, I’m guessing it goes well. Do you immediately decide to keep shooting adult stuff or do you maybe wait and think about it, whether you want to keep going?
SI: No, I just decided that I liked it and wanted to pursue it. So I just kept going.

SW: And you’re with @EastCoasttalent
How did you hook up with them and all that?
SI: It was just kind of by coincidence because I didn’t know how to get into the industry.
SW: So right now you do boy, girl, girl, girl the whole bit?
SI: Yes, for right now.
SW: Are you doing anal?
SI: Right now I’m not doing it, cause I haven’t done it yet, maybe in the next six months, I kinda wanna hold off on it for a while and then do it when I build more of a fan base for it.
SW: Prior to getting into business, had you had any preconceived notions about the adult entertainment industry?
Yeah, I did. People outside of it don’t understand or don’t have a lack of understanding about it. You could only take info from what you hear, especially if you don’t know anyone that does it. I definitely didn’t hear good things,but I didn’t let that stop me from trying the opportunity because I feel like if you just listen to what everyone else says, you’re not gonna know things until you try it and get the experience for yourself.
SW: I know you’ve only been in, we’ll say 20-25 scenes at this point, but for you, what is the reality of this versus what people think it is?
SI: For me, most of the people I’ve run into are very nice, genuine people that I’ve enjoyed working with everything has been fine so far.

SW: Where are you from originally?
SI: I was born in Philly and my whole family is from the East coast.
SW: In grade school, did you have a favorite subject?
SI: Probably just English or art class, I really liked writing things.
SW: Did you have any idea what you want to do with the rest of your life?
SI: No, honestly, I never knew what I was going to do with myself, when I was really young, I wanted to be a pediatrician because I babysat alot. I was like, I’ll be like a baby doctor. Then you grow up and you’re like, no, that’s not going to work for me. It’s too much school. It’s just a little bit too much.
SW Were you ever bullied in school?
SI: Definitely I was, I got into a lot of fights because I didn’t take crap from people when I was younger. Then when I grew up, it became a little bit more of an interesting situation because I think people that bully people, like they’re obviously not that confident in themselves. I stopped fighting people when I was in sixth grade, probably, and just kind of decided to be more mature about it and just try to ignore it and just be friends with people that treated me the way I wanted to be treated.
SW: In high school, were you a popular girl?
SI: Definitely a loner. Even to this day, I’m kind of a loner. I would befriend anybody. I don’t really care who you are, or know anything about you. I didn’t have a friend group. So a lot of the time I would just kind of be alone.
SW: Were you popular with the boys?
SI: No, not at all, actually, not in school. Older men liked me, but not people in school. They didn’t really like me like that. I’m a loner and I enjoy being alone.
SW: Did you enjoy that in high school or did you want the attention?
SI: Absolutely. I like being a loner. I love to be alone. I like doing stuff by myself. I’m an independent person and feel like a lot of the time the friends and other relationships I’ve had have kind of just like stressed me out. I can focus more when it’s just me so I definitely like it better. I feel like I’m getting more stuff done and I’m a very driven person and when you start putting too many people in too it’s like being a cook and too many things get put in the recipe and it drives me crazy.
SW: I know you were a loner and stuff in high school, but had you ever sent any boys photos of yourself?
SI: I did. On Snapchat or whatever, but that was just really dumb of me to do, honestly.
SW: But did they lie to you and swear they weren’t going to show them to anybody, but you know they did.
SI: I feel like that’s kind of every man to be honest, I don’t think they actually did, but even if they did, there’s nothing you can do to stop it, to be honest. I don’t think I had a problem with things going around about me. That never happened to me. I heard it happen to other girls. but never happened to me personally. When I was doing that, I was kind of first figuring stuff out. I needed to be more confident in my body regardless.
SW: At that point was the intent with the photos to turn the guys on? Show them what they were missing.
SI: Yes, if they would ask. I don’t think I was really thinking about it too much in depth, but I kind of just wanted them to like me. So I did it to make them like me, I guess.
SW: I know you’ve only been in five months, but is this a job for you or do you want to make this a career?
SI: This is definitely something I could see myself making into a career for myself. I really want to work hard and be someone that people recognize one day. It’s definitely very hard because it’s so competitive. And there’s so many girls that could easily beat me and everything, but I’ll still try to succeed in the industry.
SW: What would success mean to you? Having a million dollars, Onlyfans success, everybody knows who you are, what?
SI: I just really want to be someone that is respected and recognized in this industry. Once I get to that level of just being well-known, respected, good money, whatever, I would probably just expand and do something else, start my own makeup brand or something like that. I just really wanna work here and get to where I wanna be and then maybe expand what I do.
SW: You mentioned you weren’t sexually active before you got in the business. Did you wait a long time to lose your virginity?
SI: Officially, I was 17. So definitely recent, which is crazy. But yeah, it was later on, compared to some people.
SW: Were your parents putting the fear of God in you? Did they put a chastity belt on you? Were you were saving it?
SI: No, not at all. I was a loner. I’ve never had a boyfriend or anything like that, and I didn’t know anyone. I have never even had a guy ask me on a date. So I never got the opportunity to just have a relationship where I could try new things like that. It’s just weird, especially when you don’t have a lot of people asking you out to get experience like that.
SW: But after the first time you did it, did you wait a long time after that before you had sex again?
SI: After that, honestly, I got kind of sexual. I’m not like this anymore, but I had a hoe phase where I had sex with a lot of people from that point on until literally last year at this time, then I stopped because I feel like I was not having self respect and I felt like I needed to let myself be respected by somebody if they wanted to get that from me.
SW: When you were in that phase though, were you a hit and run type of girl. You see a dude, you’re like, I want him. You do him and you literally kick him out.
SI: There was a lot of that, but it was more them doing that to me then to be honest. I know a whole lot of people in the industry would not be saying what I’m saying, because I just have a different perspective about things. I felt like in my personal life, I don’t need to be giving my body to somebody if they don’t respect me. A lot of the dudes I was with, none of them really respected me. None of them wanted to take me seriously or date me. That’s the reason I stopped.
SW: prior to going all the way, had you masturbated or done hand jobs, BJs, anything?
SI: Yes, in my personal life I would like touch myself. It’s funny because I didn’t really give any blow jobs for a while. A lot of guys don’t even ask for them, most dudes don’t even like them. It was a while before I did.
SW: At this point, do you think you are good at giving BJs.
SI: I’d like to say I am, but who knows? I’ve been asked. I just try my best and hope it’s good.
SW: For you, what’s the secret to a good BJ? Are you a hand person, a spit person?
SI: I feel like it’s a combo of both. It also depends about the person’s preferences. I’m one of those people where it’s like, I’ll try to adjust what I do based off of what the other person wants just to make them happy.
SW: When you have a man’s penis in your mouth, do you feel a sense of power over him?
SI: Definitely.
SW: Is there a difference for you having sex off camera and having sex on?
SI: There’s a huge difference because on camera, I think a lot of people think that just because it’s sex, it’s intimate and it is not at all intimate. The positions a lot of the time are for the camera. So we are set up to be open for the camera, not to be comfortable. It’s for the entertainment value. So it’s very different than just being comfortable with someone in your personal life and doing what you want. You kind of have to do it for the camera, do it in a certain order in a certain way and stuff like that.
SW: People say there’s a lot of exaggeration in adult. Would you agree with that, disagree?
SI: I definitely agree with that, it really depends on the company you are working for and what they want, but a lot of it is exaggerating, you know, the faces and definitely a lot of extreme unrealistic scenarios, characters and stuff like that. It’s definitely funny. I have a lot of fun doing those scenes cause it’s fun to be a character and then kind of make fun of it. Make sure you’re doing a good job and make sure it’s entertaining for the viewer and stuff like that.
SW: When you shoot a sex scene, do you have to like your co-partner to do a good sex scene?
SI: No, as long as they’re good at their job, then I can be good at mine. I don’t have to like you to work with you. I’m willing to work with basically anyone unless I have a previous thing that we’ve had, but I’m pretty open to everybody.
SW: Is it, assuming you date civilians difficult for you to have a relationship?
SI: I’m not focused on that right now. I do not wanna date anybody, because I’m just kinda all about business right now. I’m trying to be a business girl and make sure that I am good with this right now, then I can worry about personal relationships.
SW: From getting in the business, has your perspective of sex changed?
SI: Definitely. I view it differently now because if you’re someone outside the biz, you think stuff like threesomes is crazy. But then when you get in the industry and you learn about people and what they do in their personal time, you’re like, oh wait, that’s actually not crazy. You get adjusted to a different culture almost of like minded people that think and do things a certain way. So I definitely view it differently now than I did previously.
SW: Well, we’ve been discussing relationships and stuff in the adult industry. Is it easier for you being a loner then? Working in sex business as opposed to being in a relationship?
SI: Definitely. Especially if it’s with someone that’s not in the business, because they don’t understand. Again, a lot of people, the way they view porn is like, they don’t approve of it, but they also think that it’s this or that. I would end up having to explain that to someone that doesn’t do all the time.
SW: How much different are you than the character people see on camera? How much of this is an act?
SI: Well, right now I’m just 100% me. Camming? I’m myself as well. Porn, I’m definitely somebody else, because I’m literally playing a character, like a step-daughter, whatever stuff. So I definitely try to act different on camera just to switch it up. But if you come up to me at any other point. I will be me and not be ashamed of it.
SW: Do you like making love or fucking?
SI: Is that on camera too, or off?
SW: On camera.
SI: A lot of the sex is not that real. It’s usually whatever the scene calls for. Off camera, I like it more to be like lovey, and romantic.
SW: When you’re not doing silly interviews like this and you have time off. What do you like to do?
SI: These days I’m not doing too much. I usually kind of just watch movies and play video games.
SW: Do you have any celebrity crushes?
SI: I do. I have a crush on Robert Pattinson and I have for my whole life.
SW: If you could shoot a celebrity sex tape with him, what could he do to you?
SI: He can do whatever he wants. I love that man. Like for real.
SW: First time anal?

SI: Let’s do it. If he wants to tie me up or something. Go ahead. He can do whatever.
SW: And what would you do to him?
SI: Honestly, I’d be scared of messing up. I would do everything. Hand job, blow job, everything. He wouldn’t have to do any work.
SW: I know you don’t do, anal, but have you, do rim jobs?
SI: No, I’ve never done one before, but on him I’d do one.
SW: Have you ever pegged a guy before?
SI: No, I’ve never done that.
SW: Interested? Not interested?
SI: For a porn video, yeah, sure, but not in my personal life. I’m not like a dominant person. I’m submissive.
SW: Submissive sexually or just overall submissive?
SI: I try to be dominant, but I get intimidated by a lot of guys. That’s another reason why I can’t be in a relationship is because I don’t want someone to tell me what to do and be pressured into doing something, let them run my life. I cannot let that happen. Cause then I lose focus of what I want to do.
SW: What are your social media handles?
SI: Sure
To book Selina Imai for upcoming productions:
SW: Anything you’d like to say to all your fans?
SI: I love all my fans. I accept everybody. Stay tuned for new content on my Twitter and Onlyfans and join my Chatterbate live shows when I post that I’m active.
Thank you Selina
Story: Ralph Greco, Jr.
Ralph Greco, Jr. is the devilishly clever nom de plume of professional writer/musician Ralph Greco who lives in the wilds of suburban New Jersey. He is also a podcast co-host, but as everyone has a podcast these days, this fact is of very little consequence.
Ralph can be reached by writing